
Duplicate repository for Aegir for troubleshooting issues

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The react component library for FoamFactory


We use gitflow, with some modifications made for our small-ish team.

An overview of our branches:

  • <username>/TG-XXXX-feature-whatever>: A branch created off of develop, or some other shared branch, that is being used by a single developer to actively develop a feature or bugfix.
  • feature|hotfix/<description>: A longer-term branch that will be shared by multiple developers. develop should be rebased/merged into this at least weekly to prevent bitrot. Developers can branch off of these branches to their own personal <username>/XXX branches if necessary, and merge into the longer running branch.
  • develop: Our main development/integration branch. This should always build, but it might have bugs in it. Anything merged into develop should be code reviewed in a PR before being merged. Merge commits should contain the metadata line:

where <username> is the github username of the developer approving the review.

  • main: The "golden master" branch. The tip of this branch should always correspond to the most recent full release.
  • release/X.Y.Z: A release preparation branch. These branches should be branched off of develop and merged into develop after any changes. Additionally, once a release is actually created and solidified, the branch should be merged into main and removed.

Release Process

Development Releases

development releases are created every time new commits are added to a pull request. When this happens, a new release using the version number that is specified in package.json is used, appended with -devXX, where XX is a monotonically increasing number.

No additional actions are required by a developer to push development releases.


Prereleases are created when a merge into develop is pushed. When this happens, a new release using the version number that is specified in package.json is used, appended with -prereleaseXX, where XX is a monotonically increasing number.

Currently, no additional steps are required at this point, except that a change to the version number in package.json should be made at a convenient time, when a new feature or bugfix is added to develop that necessitates a semantic version modification.

Release Candidates

Release candidates are created when a branch starting with releases/XXX are created. These release branches should be branched off of develop and merged back into main at the time that the release should be solidified. Each push to a release branch creates a new package deployment ending with -rcXX, where XX is a monotonically increasing number.

No additional steps are required at this point. If modifications are made to the release branch, the release branch should be merged back into develop to maintain consistency with our live development branch.

Production Releases

Production releases are created when a Release is created in Github. This will publish a new package with the version specified in package.json, with the release created off of the main branch.

Prior to creating the production release, release/X.Y.Z should be merged into main. Once a production release is created, the release/X.Y.Z branch can be removed from both the developer's local machine and origin, although, leaving the branch on origin is also acceptable.

Once the release/X.Y.Z branch is merged into main and main is pushed to origin, a new release to Chromatic will be created. This release off of main can be viewed online at http://aegir.foamfactory.io.

Note: main is not the default branch in Github! The developer creating the release must specify that it is coming from main and not develop.