
Simple web UI showing top flows seen by Suricata.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple web UI showing top flows seen by Suricata.

DISCLAIMER: I made this some time ago to play with JavaScript for the first time, so this might explain why it is so ugly


This won't go into deep detail on how to setup and is assuming you have working installations of:

  • Nginx with Lua plugin (or better OpenResty)
  • Suricata with EVE and Redis support.
  • Redis instance.


Pick a directory where to install the files. For the purposes of this guide we'll use /usr/local/suricata-netflow-top. In this directory you should have the netflow.lua script and the netflow directory containing html+java-script.

Configure your nginx/openresty to point to the http directory and the lua script:

location /netflow {
    root '/usr/local/suricata-netflow-top';

location /netflow.json {
    default_type 'text/event-stream';
    lua_check_client_abort on;
    content_by_lua_file "/usr/local/suricata-netflow-top/netflow.lua";

NOTE: If your redis instance is not on the same host as your nginx you will need to edit the netflow.lua script to set the proper redis host for your environment

Configure your Suricata instance to log netflow data in Redis:

Basically you need to add the following to your suricata.yaml, substituting $your_redis_host$ for.... you've quessed it: your Redis host!

- eve-log:
    enabled: yes
    filetype: redis
      server: $your_redis_host$
      port: 6379
      mode: channel
      key: suricata