
Soccer league ranking

Runs a script which calculates league rankings based on match results

Running the script

The script can be run either directly with ruby or by using docke compose. Either way it takes an input file and output file as arguments. These default to input.txt and output.txt.

Running with ruby

In the root folder of the app run

gem install bundler
bundle install

to run the app run

ruby run.rb {input.txt} {output.txt}

Running with docker-compose

In the root folder of the app run

docker-compose build

to run the app run

docker-compose run soccer_league_run {input.txt} {output.txt}

Running the specs

Running with bundler

In the root folder of the app run

gem install bundler
bundle install

to run the specs run

bundle exec rspec -fd spec

Running with docker-compose

In the root folder of the app run

docker-compose build

to run the specs

docker-compose run soccer_league_spec