Contact Book

Contact Book Screenshot

Welcome to the Contact Book! This is a simple interactive terminal application where you can manage your contacts. It helps you practice JavaScript concepts such as objects, arrays, functions, loops, conditionals, and user input handling.


  • View all contacts
  • Add new contacts
  • Edit existing contacts
  • Delete contacts
  • ASCII art for an enhanced user experience

Getting Started


  • Node.js (version 12 or higher)
  • npm (Node Package Manager)


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone <GITHUB CLONE LINK>
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd contact-book-terminal
  3. Install the required dependencies:

    npm install

Running the Application

To start the Contact Book, run the following command in your terminal:

npm start

How to Use

  1. The application will display a welcome message with ASCII art.
  2. You will see a menu with the following options:
      1. View Contacts
      1. Add Contact
      1. Edit Contact
      1. Delete Contact
      1. Exit
  3. Enter the number corresponding to your choice and follow the prompts.


  ____            _             _
 / ___|___  _ __ | |_ __ _  ___| |_
| |   / _ \| '_ \| __/ _` |/ __| __|
| |__| (_) | | | | || (_| | (__| |_
 \____\___/|_| |_|\__\__,_|\___|\__|
            | __ )  ___   ___ | | __
            |  _ \ / _ \ / _ \| |/ /
            | |_) | (_) | (_) |   <
            |____/ \___/ \___/|_|\_\


🤖 Action Menu:

1. View Contacts 👀
2. Add Contact 📝
3. Edit Contact 🖋️
4. Delete Contact ❌
5. Exit 🚪

Choose an option:

Code Explanation

  • The code is written in JavaScript using modern ES6+ syntax.

  • The readline-sync package is used to handle user input in the terminal.

  • Here's a brief overview of the main parts of the code:

  • Importing readline-sync: The readline-sync module is imported using ES6 import syntax.

  • ASCII Art: The appTitle constant contains the ASCII art for the application title.

  • Menu Display: The showMenu function displays the main menu options.

  • CRUD Operations:

    • viewContacts function displays all contacts in the contact list.
    • addContact function allows the user to add a new contact to the list.
    • editContact function allows the user to edit an existing contact in the list.
    • deleteContact function allows the user to delete a contact from the list.
  • Main Function:

    • startContactBook function contains the main loop that runs the application, displaying the menu and handling user input based on their choices.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas for improvements or new features, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Enjoy managing your contacts with the Contact Book! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.

Happy coding! 🚀