Kotlin Meals App


  • This is a simple meals app that displays a list of meals and their details.
  • The app is written in Kotlin and uses the MVVM architecture pattern.
  • The app uses the TheMealDB API to fetch the list of meals and their details.


  • Display a list of meals categories with their images and names
  • Display meal details when a meal category is clicked

Project Structure

The project is structured into several Kotlin files, each serving a specific purpose:

  • ApiService.kt: This file contains the ApiService interface which defines the API endpoints. It uses Retrofit to make HTTP requests and Gson to parse the JSON responses.

  • Category.kt: This file defines the Category and CategoriesResponse data classes. These classes are used to hold the data fetched from the API.

  • CategoryDetailScreen.kt: This file contains the CategoryDetailScreen composable function which displays the details of a selected meal category.

  • MainActivity.kt: This is the main entry point of the app. It sets up the main theme and navigation controller.

  • MainViewModel.kt: This file contains the MainViewModel class which handles the business logic of the app. It fetches the meal categories from the API and updates the UI state.

  • RecipeApp.kt: This file contains the RecipeApp composable function which sets up the navigation for the app.

  • RecipeScreen.kt: This file contains the RecipeScreen and CategoryScreen composable functions which display the list of meal categories.

  • Screen.kt: This file defines the Screen sealed class which represents the different screens in the app.