- Next Connect: To create promised based and efficient middleware for Next.js
- Mongoose: To create models and connect to MongoDB
- Bootstrap: To create responsive and mobile-first websites
- React Star Ratings: To create star rating component
- React Hot Toast: To create toast notifications
- React Bootstrap: To create responsive and mobile-first components
- React Pagination: To create pagination
- Bcrypt: To hash passwords
- Redux toolkit: To manage state
- Cloudinary: To store images
- Mailtrap: To test emails
- Mapquest: To get geocoding data
- Node Geocoder: To get geocoding data
- Mapbox: To create map
- React datepicker: To create datepicker
- MomentJS: To format dates
- MDB React: To create components to display data in tables like Bookings and Reviews
- HTML2Canvas: To create screenshots of the booking details
- JSPDF: To create PDF of the booking details
- Stripe NodeJS: To create payment intent and process payments
- React ChartJS 2: To create charts
A fullstack Hotel booking app built with NextJS, TypeScript, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Stripe Payment and Location functions