
Build project laravel with docker use Apache, Nginx, CentOS

Primary LanguagePHP


Build project laravel with docker use Apache, Nginx, CentOS

PHP scripts

Make sure the web service is running

If you are running docker-compose with Apache or Nginx, use the command below:

Installation dependencies

docker-compose exec web composer install

Generation APP_KEY

docker-compose exec web php artisan key:generate

Save configuration

docker-compose exec web php artisan config:cache


docker-compose exec web php artisan migrate

If you are running docker-compose with centOS, use the command below:

Start bash shell in the specified directory

docker-compose exec web bash -c "cd /var/www/html/ && bash"

Installation dependencies

composer install

Generation APP_KEY

php artisan key:generate

Save configuration

php artisan config:cache


php artisan migrate

Exit bash
