
ODBC with NumPy

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


ODBC with NumPy


Create a virtual environment using conda or mamba, activate it, and then install the project. You will need the tool bear if you want to maintain a set of compile_commands.json within the repo.

mamba env create --file environment
mamba activate npodbc-dev
bear -- pip install --no-build-isolation --editable .[dev,docs,test]

SQL 2022

Run the following docker command to install a Microsoft SQL 2022 database, and start a container.

sudo docker build . --tag mssql2022
sudo docker run -p 1401:1433 --name mssql2022 --hostname mssql2022 -m 16GB -d mssql2022

You can log into the running container if you want.

sudo docker exec -it mssql2022 bash

With the Docker container running you can now open an ipython session and import the package.

import npodbc