
bags -> secured

Primary LanguageF#

Read Me

This the documentation of the F# class, principles of programming lamnguages.

Functional Programming for the Dummy That is Known as Angelo

Functional Programming is a way of development that follows the paragidgms of the lamdda calculus. In short-- computation is done via passing in strict typed variables to functions where said functions are passed to other functions. You are able to do cool things like, strongly enforce types and parameters, pattern matching and be able to build grammars and lexographers for other langauages.

Contrary to OO, FP solves what my hero Erlang creator Joe Armstrong began in the first place: “They’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana, but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle.” OO is a dangerous place.

What is Fsharp

Fsharp is a functional language that is based off of Ocaml, you have all the benefits of being in the .NET ecosystem while getting to enjoy that sweet sweet "Code as Data" your grandmother has been waiting for you to try out.

How we organize this repo.

Each problem set has a folder and a piece of documentation explaining each of the code snippets to help me achieve code bliss. For problems that require files and complete solutions they will be listed. For smaller and more syntactical questions they will be in their own block of code.



Hi Professor Downey!