
🔒🌍 Static analysis powered security scanner for your terraform code

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tfsec uses static analysis of your terraform templates to spot potential security issues. Now with terraform v0.12+ support.

Example Output

Example screenshot


Install with brew/linuxbrew:

brew tap liamg/tfsec
brew install liamg/tfsec/tfsec

You can also grab the binary for your system from the releases page.

Alternatively, install with Go:

env GO111MODULE=on go get -u github.com/liamg/tfsec/cmd/tfsec


tfsec will recursively scan the specified directory. If no directory is specified, the current working directory will be used.

The exit status will be non zero if problems are found, otherwise the exit status will be zero.

tfsec .

Use with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running tfsec on your system, you may run tfsec in a Docker container.

To build:

docker build -t tfsec .

To run:

docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/workdir" tfsec .


  • Checks for sensitive data inclusion across all providers
  • Checks for violations of AWS, Azure and GCP security best practice recommendations
  • Scans modules (currently only local modules are supported)
  • Evaluates expressions as well as literal values

Ignoring Warnings

You may wish to ignore some warnings. If you'd like to do so, you can simply add a comment containing tfsec:ignore:<RULE> to the offending line in your templates. If the problem refers to a block of code, such as a multiline string, you can add the comment on the line above the block, by itself.

For example, to ignore an open security group rule:

resource "aws_security_group_rule" "my-rule" {
    type = "ingress"
    cidr_blocks = [""] #tfsec:ignore:AWS006


resource "aws_security_group_rule" "my-rule" {
    type = "ingress"
    cidr_blocks = [""]

If you're not sure which line to add the comment on, just check the tfsec output for the line number of the discovered problem.

Included Checks

Currently, checks are mostly limited to AWS/Azure/GCP resources, but there are also checks which are provider agnostic.

Rule Provider Description
GEN001 * Potentially sensitive data stored in "default" value of variable.
GEN002 * Potentially sensitive data stored in local value.
GEN003 * Potentially sensitive data stored in block attribute.
AWS001 aws S3 Bucket has an ACL defined which allows public access.
AWS002 aws S3 Bucket does not have logging enabled.
AWS003 aws AWS Classic resource usage.
AWS004 aws Use of plain HTTP.
AWS005 aws Load balancer is exposed to the internet.
AWS006 aws An ingress security group rule allows traffic from /0.
AWS007 aws An egress security group rule allows traffic to /0.
AWS008 aws An inline ingress security group rule allows traffic from /0.
AWS009 aws An inline egress security group rule allows traffic to /0.
AWS010 aws An outdated SSL policy is in use by a load balancer.
AWS011 aws A resource is marked as publicly accessible.
AWS012 aws A resource has a public IP address.
AWS013 aws Task definition defines sensitive environment variable(s).
AWS014 aws Launch configuration with unencrypted block device.
AWS015 aws Unencrypted SQS queue.
AWS016 aws Unencrypted SNS topic.
AWS017 aws Unencrypted S3 bucket.
AWS018 aws Missing description for security group/security group rule.
AWS019 aws A KMS key is not configured to auto-rotate
AWS020 aws CloudFront distribution allows unencrypted (HTTP) communications.
AWS021 aws CloudFront distribution uses outdated SSL/TSL protocols.
AWS022 aws A MSK cluster allows unencrypted data in transit.
AZU001 azurerm An inbound network security rule allows traffic from /0.
AZU002 azurerm An outbound network security rule allows traffic to /0.
AZU003 azurerm Unencrypted managed disk.
AZU004 azurerm Unencrypted data lake store.
AZU005 azurerm Password authentication in use instead of SSH keys.
GCP001 google Unencrypted compute disk.
GCP002 google Unencrypted storage bucket.
GCP003 google An inbound firewall rule allows traffic from /0.
GCP004 google An outbound firewall rule allows traffic to /0.
GCP005 google Legacy ABAC permissions are enabled.

Running in CI

tfsec is designed for running in a CI pipeline. For this reason it will exit with a non-zero exit code if a potential problem is detected. You may wish to run tfsec as part of your build without coloured output. You can do this using --no-colour (or --no-color for our American friends).

Output options

You can output tfsec results as JSON, CSV, Checkstyle or just plain old human readable format. Use the --format flag to specify your desired format.

Support for older terraform versions

If you need to support versions of terraform which use HCL v1 (terraform <0.12), you can use v0.1.3 of tfsec, though support is very limited and has fewer checks.