
Ftp component for Yii2 framework

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

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GFtp is a FTP extension for YII 2 Framework.

It contains 2 main component :

  • \gftp\FtpComponent : A Yii component used to manage FTP connection and navigation (encapsulates PHP ftp method).
  • \gftp\FtpWidget : A widget which can be used to display FTP folder content and allow FTP server browsing.

It supports FTP protocol and FTP over SSL protocol. SFTP support is provider by Yii2-gsftp extension.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist hguenot/yii2-gftp "*"

or add

"hguenot/yii2-gftp": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Here is a basic usage of GFtp extension.

  • Create an FTP application component (in your Web config file)
return [
	// [...]
		// [...]
		'ftp' => [
			'connectionString' => 'ftp://user:pass@host:21',
			'driverOptions' =>  [
				'timeout' => 120,
				'passive' => false
	// [...]
  • You can user either a connection string where protocol could be ftp or ftps or directly set protocol, user, pass, host and port properties :
return [
	// [...]
		// [...]
		'ftp' => [
			'class' => '\gftp\FtpComponent',
			'driverOptions' =>  [
				'class' => '\gftp\drivers\SftpProtocol',
				'user' => 'me@somewhere.otrb',
				'pass' => 'PassW0rd',
				'host' => 'ftp.somewhere.otrb',
				'port' => 2121,
				'timeout' => 120,
				'passive' => false
	// [...]
  • Use component
$files = $gftp->ls();

More complete example :

public function actionExample() { 
    $remote_file = '/data/users.txt'; 
    $local_file = '/tmp/users.load'; 
    $mode = 'FTP_ASCII'; 
    $asynchronous = false; 
    $file = Yii::$app->ftp->get($remote_file, $local_file, $mode, $asynchronous); 
    // [...]
  • Display ftp content in a Widget :
use gftp\FtpWidget;
echo FtpWidget::widget();
  • If no FTP(S) connection is passed to the widget, it needs an application component named 'ftp'. But you can pass an FtpComponent directly :
use \gftp\FtpWidget;
echo FtpWidget::widget([
	'ftp' => \Yii::$app->get('otrb')


use \gftp\FtpWidget;
use \gftp\FtpComponent;

echo FtpWidget::widget([
	'ftp' => new FtpComponent([
			'driverOptions' =>  [
				'class' => '\gftp\drivers\SftpProtocol',
				'user' => 'me@somewhere.otrb',
				'pass' => 'PassW0rd',
				'host' => 'ftp.somewhere.otrb',
				'port' => 2121,
				'timeout' => 120,
				'passive' => false