Rust bindings for XPIR

We wrote this Rust wrapper as part of our paper in order to microbenchmark and use XPIR.

To install, you need all of XPIR's dependencies (boost >= 1.55, gmp, mpfr). You can install them as follows.

Ubuntu 14.04 (or later) / Debian

$ sudo apt-get install libboost1.55-all-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev


$ sudo pacman -S boost mpfr gmp

There is no need to compile XPIR. It will be built and linked automatically.

Compiling XPIR rust bindings

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ cargo build

Reproducing the results in the paper

If you would like to reproduce the microbenchmarks found in the paper (Figure 9), simply run:

$ cargo bench [prefix of name of benchmark (or leave blank to run all)]

For example, to reproduce the XPIR entries of the first row of Figure 9 (Query), simply run:

$ cargo bench query

To reproduce a single data point, for example the Answer entry for XPIR (d=2) where n=262,144, run:

$ cargo bench reply_d2/262144

Note that to run the microbenchmakrs for d=3 you need to manually modify the DIM variable in benches/ You can also find the code that runs these benchmarks (and their names) in that same file.

To reproduce latency and throughput results, check out the pir-test repository (this also has examples on how to use XPIR-rust in a client-server networked application).