
Clock that displays time in a decimal format.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A clock that displays the current time in a decimal format.


This code implements a decimal clock that gets its time from an NTP server.
It is written for the LDM8E display controller and uses the LDM8E-Library.
See the GitHub repos for the hardware and library for more info.

Decimal clock showing 7882 (18:55:00.480)
The clock shows "7882" which is 18:55:00.480 in 24-hour time.


The code should work on any LDM8E as long as the dimming mode and WiFi credentials are properly configured.

Time format

The clock represents the time of day with a number between 0 and 9999, where each increment represents 8.64 seconds (one ten-thousandth of a day).
See this table for some example times:

Decimal Time 24h Time
0000 00:00:00.000
0001 00:00:08.640
1000 02:24:00.000
5000 12:00:00.000
9000 21:36:00.000
9999 23:59:51.260



Published under GPL-3.0 license.