
A free & type-safe way to interact with the Google Translation API

Primary LanguageElmBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


The goal of this library is to provide a type-safe way to interact with the Google Translation api. This project will eventually come in two flavors: Free & Official. Currently, only the Free module is implemented which allows you to make a limited number of translations (try to avoid hundreds of requests/min from the same ip).


This module takes advantage of a legacy endpoint which allows us to generate translations for free. No Google account, api key, or any other credentials are needed. I'd recommend this library for prototyping and personal projects that don't require heavy amounts of translations, because Google will throttle you if you make too many requests. As long as you don't spam Google with hundreds of requests/minute you shouldn't be affected.


This should come as no surprise, but this module will eventually utilize the official Google Translation API. This will require authentication tokens in order to make requests. If you're cheap and you still don't want to pay Google, I'd recommend looking into https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-translate-token which will generate tokens for free.


Below is a short program that translates a list of Spanish phrases into English. This snippet also shows how to use the apply function to update existing data structures with completed translations. (The logic for displaying these phrases are entirely up to you)

import Http
import GTranslate.Free exposing (..)

                        -- MESSAGES --
type Msg 
    = Response (Result Http.Error Translation )
    | Translate 
    | Apply 

                        -- Models --    
type alias Phrase =
    { text: String
    , id: Int

type alias Model =
    { phrases: List Phrase
    , translations: List Translation 

-- Initialize our model with pre-loaded Spanish phrases
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init = 
    ({ phrases =  
        [ Phrase "Caballo regalado no se le mira el diente." 1
        , Phrase "Al mal tiempo, buena cara." 2
        , Phrase "A falta de pan, buenas son tortas." 3
        , Phrase "Barriga llena, corazón contento." 4
    , translations = [] }
    , Cmd.none)

-- our configuration record used in the application
customConfig : Config Phrase Msg
customConfig =
    Response -- 'Response' is our message that will process incoming Translations
        |> initConfig "en"      -- specify that english is our target language
        |> withSourceLang "es"  -- **OPTIONAL** specify that spanish is our source language
        |> withUID (\ p -> toString p.id ) -- **OPTIONAL** the function used to generate a unique id for each record

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update message model =
    case message of 

        Apply -> 

                -- The update function used to apply a translation to a phrase
                update = (\ translation phrase -> { phrase | text = translatedText translation } )

                -- Apply the already completed translatations to our list of phrases
                newPhrases = model.phrases |> apply customConfig update model.translations 

            -- update our model 
            ({ model | phrases = newPhrases }, Cmd.none )

        Translate ->
            -- Translate the all stored phrases
            (model, batchRecords customConfig (\p -> p.text) model.phrases ) 

        Response (Ok translation) -> 
            -- store our completed translations
            ({ model | translations = translation :: model.translations }, Cmd.none)

        Response (Err msg) ->  
            -- handle error here
            (model, Cmd.none)