
What is the difference between hidden_state and hidden_dim?

yustiks opened this issue · 2 comments

I saw that in the code, hidden_state is not implemented:

    def forward(self, input_tensor, hidden_state=None):

        input_tensor: todo
            5-D Tensor either of shape (t, b, c, h, w) or (b, t, c, h, w)
        hidden_state: todo
            None. todo implement stateful

meanwhile, hidden_dim is given.
What is the difference between those two variables?

I have the same problem... and why len(kernel_size) == len(hidden_dim) == num_layers needs to be true?

I have the same problem... and why len(kernel_size) == len(hidden_dim) == num_layers needs to be true?

ohh.... I think it just want to specify params for every of conv-lstm cell, not just a simple-copy.