
automatically creates youtube descriptions using soundcloud links and hacks

Primary LanguageJavaScript


a hacky tool for automatically creating youtube descriptions and tags from soundcloud links

I actually have no clue about JS conventions (as you might see. I'm a backend-programmer, but i'm trying to learn more frontendy(?) stuff too.), this is just a hacky solution i came up with in order to automatically create descriptions and tags for some youtube channels i'm working on.


This thing here is nothing official and you likely will not be able to use it for anything. I do not know if Soundcloud is cool with me parsing their JS files in order to obtain a client id for using their API.

Additional information

This neat little tool requires a CORS proxy running on port 8000. Any proxy should do, as long as you can pass links to it by using HTTP parameters like this:


In my case, i'm running a small node.js proxy called CORS Anywhere by Rob--W. If you don't want to use your own proxy, i have included a simple start skript for a cors-anywhere proxy (server.js). In order for this skript to work, port 8000 needs to be available and cors-anywhere needs to be installed. To do this, you can run the following command:

npm install cors-anywhere

The script can be executed by simply passing it to node:

node server.js

You can also run this proxy on a different server. In case you do, do not forget to edit config.js. Here, we need to exchange the value for corsProxy to point to our proxy (example given below):

proxy: "http://your-cors-pro.xy:8000/";

If any of you guys are interested in creating a more stable solution for a broader audience, i'll gladly help you. Just create an issue or a pull request. Whatever floats your boat.