
Testing Interaction Scenarios - Classified Information System (CIS). High-level languages: Prolog - Group project (2019/2020)

Primary LanguageProlog


High-level languages: Prolog - Group project (2019/2020)

  • Testing Interaction Scenarios - Classified Information System (CIS)

Table of Contents


Topic: Testing Interaction Scenarios - Classified Information System (CIS)

  • Different clearance levels, which get assigned to documents and users (topsecret, secret, confidential, restricted, official, unclassified)
  • Based on their clearance level users can perform different actions and access documents


$ swipl --version
SWI-Prolog version 8.0.3 for x86_64-darwin



$ swipl -s src/main.pl

Run unit/integration tests

$ swipl -s src/tests.pl
?- test_all.

Usable functions clearance_api.pl

  • Retrieve Document as AccessUser, returns document only if AccessUser has access rights
    get_document(+Document, +AccessUser, -R)
  • Retrieve all documents accessible by AccessUser
    get_documents_accesible_by_user(+AccessUser, -R)
  • Retrieve all Users managable by AccessUser
    get_users_managable_by_user(+AccessUser, -R)
  • Create a User with a given Clearance as AccessUser and return user if successfull.
    create_user_as_user(+User, +Clearance, +AccessUser, -R)
  • Create a Document with a given Clearance as AccessUser and return document if successfull
    create_document_as_user(+Document, +Clearance, +AccessUser, -R)
  • Remove a User as AccessUser
    remove_user_as_user(+User, +AccessUser)
  • Remove Document as AccessUser
    remove_document_as_user(+Document, +AccessUser)
  • Set NewClearance as User's clearance as AccessUser
    update_user_clearance_as_user(+User, +NewClearance, +AccessUser)
  • Set NewClearance as Documents clearance as AccessUser
    update_document_clearance_as_user(+Document, +NewClearance, +AccessUser)
  • Grant User a special permission to view Document as AccessUser
    grant_special_permission_as_user(+User, +Document, +AccessUser)
  • Retract special permission of User to Document as AccessUser
    retract_special_permission_as_user(+User, +Document, +AccessUser)


Requests examples

Start Postman and load rest_api.postman_collection.json.

GET requests

GET http://localhost:5004/health
GET http://localhost:5004/document?document=nsa_files&access_user=director
GET http://localhost:5004/document/get_accessible?access_user=director
GET http://localhost:5004/user/get_managable?access_user=director

POST requests

Use Content-Type: application/json

POST http://localhost:5004/user/create_as_user
    "user" : "snowden",
    "clearance" : "restricted",
    "access_user" : "director"
POST http://localhost:5004/user/update_clearance_as_user
    "user" : "snowden",
    "clearance" : "secret",
    "access_user" : "director"
POST http://localhost:5004/user/remove_as_user
    "user" : "snowden",
    "access_user" : "director"
POST http://localhost:5004/document/create_as_user
    "document" : "nsa_files",
    "clearance" : "secret",
    "access_user" : "snowden"
POST http://localhost:5004/document/update_clearance_as_user
    "document" : "nsa_files",
    "clearance" : "secret",
    "access_user" : "snowden"
POST http://localhost:5004/document/remove_as_user
    "document" : "nsa_files",
    "access_user" : "snowden"
POST http://localhost:5004/document/grant_special_permission_as_user
    "user" : "press",
    "document" : "nsa_files",
    "access_user" : "snowden"
POST http://localhost:5004/document/retract_special_permission_as_user
    "user" : "press", 
    "document" : "nsa_files",
    "access_user" : "snowden"

Test framework test_framework.pl

We wrote a test framework in order to test the correctness of our system. It provides operators to test prolog terms using the following syntax:

"1 should equal to 1" should_evaluate (1==1).
"1 should not equal to 2" should_not_evaluate (1==2).
"Term variables of term_variables(Term, L) should match [Term, L]" should_evaluate term_variables(term_variables(_,_),_) to [Term, L].
"should_equal should work for atoms, numerics, strings and terms" should_evaluate (
    should_equal(1, 1),
    should_not_equal(1, 2),
    should_equal(test, test),
    should_equal("test", "test"),
    should_equal((1==1), (1==1))
"should_equal should work for lists in any order" should_evaluate (
    should_equal([1,2,3], [3,2,1]),
    should_equal([1,2,3], [1,2,3]),
    should_not_equal([1,1,2,3], [1,2,3])


  • http/thread_httpd
  • http/http_dispatch
  • http/http_error
  • http/json_convert
  • http/http_client
  • http/html_write
  • http/http_parameters
  • http/http_json
  • lists

Contributors (Group ATA)

  • Andreas Ellwanger
  • Timo Erdelt
  • Andreas Griesbeck

Individual contributions

Due too the small group size of 3 it is impossible for us to properly distinguish what of our project has been done by whom. We all worked on all parts of our application, especially since we mostly did “pair-programming” (with two or often all three of us working together). So all of us were equally involved in all parts of our application. We would be happy to answer questions about our development process, aswell as our individual/colletive contributions at the examination.