
P2P application based on Chord algorithm (by MIT) in Rust. High-level languages: Rust - Group project (2018/2019)

Primary LanguageRust


High-level languages: Rust - Group project (2018/2019)

  • Chord is a protocol and algorithm for a peer-to-peer distributed hash table.

Table of Contents


In the following demo first ./target/debug/hll-rust 11111 was executed. Soon afterwards bash test.sh 10000 10 was executed in another terminal. Take a look the terminal of the 11111 node.



Run in the project folder cargo build.


$ rustc --version
rustc 1.32.0 (9fda7c223 2019-01-16)
$ rustup --version
rustup 1.16.0 (beab5ac2b 2018-12-06)
$ cargo --version
cargo 1.32.0 (8610973aa 2019-01-02)


Important Disclaimer: When we speak of LocalIp4Addr in the following parts of the readme we mean the IPV4 Address you have in your local network (e.g. eduroam) not localhost, this can be found out by calling ifconfig in a terminal

Run a single node

To print our CLI help run which prints

$ cargo run -- -h

hll_rust_chord 1.0
Andreas Ellwanger, Timo Erdelt and Andreas Griesbeck
High level languages: Rust - Group project (2018/2019)

    hll-rust <IP4ADDR> <PORT> [IP4ADDR:PORT]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <IP4ADDR>         Sets the ip address to use (e.g.
    <PORT>            Sets the port to use
    <IP4ADDR:PORT>    Sets the node (entry point to an existing chord ring) to join

To spawn a single node which creates a new chord ring run

cargo run -- <LocalIp4Addr> <LocalPort>

To spawn a single node and join an existing chord ring run

cargo run -- <LocalIp4Addr> <LocalPort> <OtherIp4Addr:OtherPort>

Open menu dialog

To open the menu while running a node type m and press ENTER which opens the following menu

Hello there! What do you want to do?

1 - Store a key/value pair in the Chord network
2 - Find the value for a given key in the Chord network
3 - Delete a key/value pair from the Chord network

4 - Kill a Chord network peer

5 - Cancel interaction
6 - Terminate Node

Choose 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 and press Enter!
  • To store a key and value within the chord ring press 1+ENTER and follow the instructions.
  • To find a value within the chord ring press 2+ENTER and follow the instructions.
  • To delete a key and value within the chord ring press 3+ENTER and follow the instructions.
  • To kill another chord ring peer press 4+ENTER and follow the instructions.
  • To close the menu press 5+ENTER.
  • To terminate the node press 6+ENTER.

Spawn multiple nodes at once

In order to spawn a new chord ring with a given number of nodes on a system we created a bash script which can be used as follows:

bash test.sh <LocalIp4Addr> <PortOfFirstNode> <NumberOfNodes>

In order to create a number of nodes and join them on an existing chord ring the same script can be used by applying an additional command line argument:

bash test.sh <LocalIp4Addr> <PortOfFirstNode> <NumberOfNodes> <IpOfJoinNode:Port>

Important notes

  • The script creates the nodes with ports starting at <PortOfFirstNode> and ending at <PortOfFirstNode+NumberOfNodes-1>
  • Unfortunately the menu for interacting with the chord ring (e.g story, querying, deleting from DHT) does not work with the node being rendered after the script has completed. In order to get the menu a new node has to be spawned in another terminal with one of the IP addresses of the just spawned ring as the join IP.
  • We have not tested the script big number of nodes, we usually ran it with 10 nodes which did produce no problems, but it should theoretically also work for a bigger amounts, but we sometimes ran into problems running more nodes on a single machine


chrono, clap, colored, futures, get_if_addrs, log, log4rs, num,
num-bigint, prettytable-rs, rust-crypto, serde, serde_derive,
serde_json, signal-hook, tokio

For more details take a look at the Cargo.toml.


Take a look at our chord description or our references.


Contributors (Group E)

  • Andreas Ellwanger
  • Timo Erdelt
  • Andreas Griesbeck

Individual contributions

Due too the small group size of 3 it is impossible for us to properly distinguish what of our project has been done by whom. We all worked on all parts of our application, especially since we mostly did “pair-programming” (with two or often all three of us working together). So all of us were equally involved in all parts of our application, namely networking (TCP sockets, Tokio), threading, algorithm & communication protocol, user interaction through the command line interface & bash scripts. We would be happy to answer questions about our development process, aswell as our individual/colletive contributions at the examination.