
Practical Course: iOS - Group project (2019/2020)

Primary LanguageSwift


Practical Course: iOS - Group project (2019/2020)


Install XcodeGen and CocoaPods via Homebrew brew install xcodegen cocoapods.

Follow the instructions everytime you checkout a new branch or pull new files from remote origin.

  1. Close Xcode.app
  2. Run the following commands in the console within the ios-Folder
xcodegen generate && pod install --repo-update
  1. Open SpotUp.xcworkspace in Xcode.app


  • macOS Catalina Version 10.15.2
  • Xcode.app Version 11.3
  • Homebrew


  • Swift 5.1.2
  • SwiftUI
  • Firebase
    • Analytics
    • Auth
    • Core
    • Firestore
    • Storage
  • FirebaseFirestoreSwift
  • Google Maps
  • Google Places
  • SDWebImageSwiftUI

Contributors (Group 7)

  • Andreas Ellwanger
  • Timo Erdelt
  • Havy Ha
  • Fangli Lu

Credits / Attributions