
Compares counting inversions in an array via the Exhaustive Approach and via Divide and Conquer (Python)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The code was executed on a MacBook Pro (Early 2015) - 2,7 GHz Intel Core i5 processor.

time python3 exhaustive.py 100
time python3 divide_and_conquer.py 100
# random array entries exhaustive divide and conquer
100 0m 0.040s 0m 0.043s
1,000 0m 0.105s  0m 0.046s
10,000 0m 5.924s  0m 0.126s
100,000 10m 3.636s 0m 0.917s
1,000,000 > 1h 0m 10.375s
10,000,000 - 2m 2.791s
100,000,000 - 25m 11.034s
1,000,000,000 - > 1h