
Attempts to compare the instance age of searXNG instances

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Status quo

Finding out which searXNG instances exist is easily possible via https://searx.space/


Finding out for how long they exist is harder. I aggregated data from archive.org get that information.

Where to get the json files?

I got them via https://web.archive.org/web/20230801000000*/https://searx.space/data/instances.json (for each year: one file for March, June, September and December)..


The 1st value is the instance URL, the 2nd value is the age of the instance (in years), rounded to 0.25 steps.

from September 2024

  1. https://searx.tuxcloud.net/, 4.5 years
  2. https://www.gruble.de/, 4.5 years
  3. https://search.mdosch.de/, 4.5 years
  4. https://searx.be/, 4.25 years
  5. https://searx.dresden.network/, 3.75 years
  6. https://darmarit.org/searx/, 3.25 years
  7. https://northboot.xyz/, 3 years
  8. https://searx.tiekoetter.com/, 2.75 years
  9. https://paulgo.io/, 2.75 years
  10. http://4n53nafyi77iplnbrpmxnp3x4exbswwxigujaxy3b37fvr7bvlopxeyd.onion/, 2.75 years
  11. https://sx.catgirl.cloud/, 2.75 years
  12. https://search.bus-hit.me/, 2.5 years
  13. https://search.ononoki.org/, 2.5 years
  14. https://searx.namejeff.xyz/, 2.25 years
  15. https://etsi.me/, 2.25 years
  16. https://searx.sev.monster/, 2.25 years
  17. http://searx3aolosaf3urwnhpynlhuokqsgz47si4pzz5hvb7uuzyjncl2tid.onion/, 2.25 years
  18. https://priv.au/, 2 years
  19. https://opnxng.com/, 2 years
  20. https://search.sapti.me/, 2 years
  21. https://search.rowie.at/, 2 years
  22. https://search.rhscz.eu/, 1.75 years
  23. https://searx.work/, 1.75 years
  24. https://ooglester.com/, 1.75 years
  25. https://searx.oakleycord.dev/, 1.75 years
  26. https://search.smnz.de/, 1.75 years
  27. https://search.projectsegfau.lt/, 1.75 years
  28. https://searx.juancord.xyz/, 1.75 years
  29. https://s.trung.fun/, 1.75 years
  30. https://baresearch.org/, 1.5 years
  31. https://search.leptons.xyz/, 1.5 years
  32. https://search.im-in.space/, 1.25 years
  33. https://search.inetol.net/, 1 years
  34. https://searx.zhenyapav.com/, 1 years
  35. https://searx.daetalytica.io/, 1 years
  36. https://search.citw.lgbt/, 1 years
  37. https://searx.ox2.fr/, 1 years
  38. https://searxng.ch/, 1 years
  39. https://copp.gg/, 1 years
  40. http://search.pjsfkvpxlinjamtawaksbnnaqs2fc2mtvmozrzckxh7f3kis6yea25ad.onion/, 1 years
  41. https://searx.perennialte.ch/, 1 years
  42. https://search.hbubli.cc/, 0.75 years
  43. https://nyc1.sx.ggtyler.dev/, 0.75 years
  44. https://s.mble.dk/, 0.75 years
  45. https://searx.rhscz.eu/, 0.5 years
  46. https://searx.ro/, 0.5 years
  47. https://searxng.site/, 0.5 years
  48. https://searx.aleteoryx.me/, 0.5 years
  49. http://searxwcao6avdvuaspdrjheiwrcey2zvxq3dj52gruo3oaqcr2ddlyqd.onion/, 0.5 years
  50. https://search.nadeko.net/, 0.5 years
  51. https://searx.lunar.icu/, 0.5 years
  52. https://search.privacyredirect.com/, 0.5 years
  53. https://searx.hu/, 0.25 years
  54. https://search.indst.eu/, 0.25 years
  55. https://searx.colbster937.dev/, 0.25 years
  56. https://search.charliewhiskey.net/, 0.25 years
  57. https://skyrimhater.com/, 0.25 years
  58. https://fairsuch.net/, 0.25 years
  59. https://search.ngn.tf/, 0.25 years
  60. https://search.incogniweb.net/, 0.25 years
  61. https://search.nerdvpn.de/, 0.25 years
  62. http://lbmegc3rjnekmdxuisynqdc7y3m2tgyq7gj257ooddaobxqjw36bdayd.onion/, 0.25 years
  63. https://search.einfachzocken.eu/, 0.25 years
  64. http://nerdvpn4iln4didgzcw7pgvjv4p3pwn3e3dq732oxwidfv6bacnyuvad.onion/, 0.25 years
  65. https://sx.thatxtreme.dev/, 0.25 years
  66. https://sx.zorby.top/, 0 years
  67. https://search.blitzw.in/, 0 years
  68. https://search.tommy-tran.com/, 0 years
  69. https://seek.fyi/, 0 years
  70. https://search.nordh.tech/, 0 years
  71. https://search.fredix.xyz/, 0 years
  72. https://searx.thefloatinglab.world/, 0 years
  73. https://searx.foss.family/, 0 years
  74. https://searx.electroncash.de/, 0 years
  75. https://nogoo.me/, 0 years
  76. https://searxng.hweeren.com/, 0 years
  77. https://searxng.shreven.org/, 0 years
  78. http://3cvltarlpeanooabgva7tbmtlzznyr3ltsndvwtngwuzqtvwyllaz4qd.onion/, 0 years