
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Current Account API


This API allows for the initiation of a current account through a single operation. The endpoint is designed to be straightforward and operation-based, without adhering to RESTful resource conventions.

API Endpoints

POST /CurrentAccount/Initiate


Initiates the process of creating a new current account. The request includes the necessary details such as product reference, customer information, and account details.

Request Body

The request body must include the following fields:

  • ProductInstanceReference:

    • CurrentAccountAgreement (string): Reference to the current account agreement.
  • CurrentAccountNumber:

    • AccountIdentificationType (string): Type of account identification (e.g., BBAN, IBAN).
    • AccountIdentification:
      • IdentifierValue (string): The actual identification number.
  • CustomerReference:

    • PartyReference:
      • PartyName (string): Name of the account holder.
      • PartyIdentification:
        • PartyIdentificationType (string): Type of identification (e.g., Taxidentificationnumber).
        • PartyIdentification (string): The identification number.
  • AccountType (string): Type of account being created (e.g., DebitAccount, CreditAccount).

  • AccountCurrency:

    • AccountCurrencyType (string): Type of currency (e.g., BaseCurrency).
    • Currencycode (string): Currency code (e.g., USD).

Example Request

  "ProductInstanceReference": {
    "CurrentAccountAgreement": "AG123456789"
  "CurrentAccountNumber": {
    "AccountIdentificationType": "BBAN",
    "AccountIdentification": {
      "IdentifierValue": {
        "Value": "123456789"
  "CustomerReference": {
    "PartyReference": {
      "PartyName": {
        "Name": "John Doe"
      "PartyIdentification": {
        "PartyIdentificationType": "Taxidentificationnumber",
        "PartyIdentification": "TAX123456789"
  "AccountType": "DebitAccount",
  "AccountCurrency": {
    "AccountCurrencyType": "BaseCurrency",
    "AccountCurrency": {
      "Currencycode": "USD"