
Exploitation of VirtualBox vulnerability (https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-3295)

Primary LanguageC



$ ./install.sh

Only own version build are supported yet. Please choose own and debug to build your debug version.

Warning : During the process an error can occur, especially during the sources compilation. You can have something like "Exit with error status 2."

Please contact us at nicolas.dureisseix@etu.enseeiht.fr if an error occurs.


Use RTLogPrintf(string, args) to print debug message. The debug will go into .log files in VirtualBox folder.

Look into the files :

  • src/VBox/Devices/Network/DevE1000 .cpp / .h ;

  • src/VBox/Devices/Network/DevEEPROM .cpp / .h.

You can use cleanlog script to clean all logs and printlog to print them in the console.


There is not script for VM creation/management yet. Please create a VM called ProjetLong with 2CPU Cores and 8Gb RAM.

Download fake_driver folder into the VM and run load_fake_driver. Use reload_fake_driver if you have already load the driver and you want to apply changes.


Some scripts will arrive to make it easier for users, on VM and VMM.