Tech Knowledge



  • Most common Branching Strategy used is: Git Flow, GitHub Flow, GitLab Flow
  • Git Flow: branch:tag(env:production) -> branch:master(env:staging) -> branch:develop(env:development) -> branch:feature(env:local)
  • GitHub Flow: branch:master(env:production) -> branch:feature|fix(env:development) -> branch:master(env:production)
  • GitLab Flow: branch:master(env:staging) -> branch:pre-production(env:development) -> branch:production(env:production)


  • Is an Architectural Style/Pattern that arrange application as Loosely Coupled, Independently Deployed, and Communicating through lightweight protocol
  • It falls to the category of Domain Driven Design (DDD) where how micro each service is defined by its domain
  • Domain is usually translated as Module or Business Capability or Team
  • Most common communication protocol used is HTTP with REST API style or with RPC style
  • It is achievable with Containerization to simplify deployment, management and orchestration of services
  • Containerization is a type of virtualization in which all the components of an application are bundled into a single container image and can be run in isolated user space on the same shared operating system
  • Containerization Image Platform widely used is Docker, others are also available e.g. Podman, Vagrant
  • Dockerfile is a text-based file with no file extension that contains a script of instructions to build a container image
  • Docker Compose is for managing and orchestrating multi-container applications, facilitating complex application setups
  • Docker uses specific Operating System by directly importing specific OS image of by using another image that already has an OS
  • Usually, microservice consist of 2 types of categories which categorize by process initiation: request based (API Service), event based (Consumer)
  • Time based process could be initiated from cloud provider tools e.g. Amazon EventBridge or GCP Cloud Scheduler or Azure Functions to publish a message to be processed by a consumer


  • Is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer
  • Is an Architectural Style or Design Principle for communication in Distributed System
  • It is one of the widely used Application Programming Interface (API) style
  • API that comply to the REST Principle usually referred as RESTful API or RESTful Web API
  • Request is Stateless thus the Request must contain all the necessary information to understand and complete the Request
  • The key abstraction of information in REST is a Resource
  • Usually uses HTTP protocol as transport layer and utilizing standard HTTP Method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and URI (Universal Resource Identifier) to identify Resource
  • In the REST architectural style, data and functionality are considered resources and are accessed using URI
  • By utilizing different HTTP Method, REST could use same URI to differentiate functionality of the Resource
  • Example of RESTful API:
    • POST /products to create new product, sometimes it uses a singular word to describe single creation eg. POST /product
    • PUT /products/{id} to update product of selected id
    • PATCH /products/{id}/active-state to change active state of the product
    • DELETE /products/{id} to delete product of selected id
  • Sometimes REST could also use rpc style to differentiate specific action
    • PATCH /products/{id}/toggle-active-state { active: true }
  • Other commonly used API is gRPC (gRPC Remote Procedure Call), which is using rpc (Remote Procedure Call) style and uses HTTP protocol version 2
  • Common Web Browser has not adopted this HTTP version 2 yet because of its complexity, thus gRPC currently only available for service-to-service communication
  • By default, REST API is synchronous process since all of it is running in single process from request to response, regardless of how the service handles the request
  • To make an asynchronous REST API, usually utilizing at least 2 API, first to trigger the process, second to check the progress of the process or send to result to other system eg. email/phone/push
  • Synchronous is blocking process while Asynchronous is non-blocking process

Event Driven

  • Event Driven is one of the architectures to enable asynchronous process
  • There are 3 main category distinctions to initiate a process: request based, time based, and event based
  • Request based is triggered by request from external service/client, e.g. REST API
  • Time based is triggered by setting up specific counter of running time, e.g. CRON (Command Run On Notice) or Scheduler
  • Event based is utilizing Message Queue and triggered by publishing/producing a message on selected event/topic which then will be push-to/pull-by consumer/subscriber
  • Consumer Group is a feature to enable scaling consumer of specific event where each consumer in a group will receive one-different message at a time
  • Acknowledge of consumer is required so the queue can move-on to next offset/cursor on the list
  • By default, consumer will be using late-acknowledge where consumer will send ack signal to the queue after the process is done
  • Retry mechanism of early-ack could be handled by the consumer whereas late-ack could be handled by the queue
  • Queue could handle late-ack because when consumer has not sent ack signal, queue treat the message as not delivered yet, so usually it could run the retry mechanism

Distributed Tracing

  • TODO

Service Discovery

  • TODO

Circuit Breaker

  • TODO

Push Technology

  • Is a communication method, where the communication is initiated by a server rather than a client
  • Commonly used tools to enable this is using Socket or Firebase


  • Usually there are 2 main purposes of Auth: Authentication and Authorization
  • Authentication: is used to verify if the user is the real user (original)
  • Authentication could be verified by using Single Factor Authentication eg. password/pin
  • Authentication could also be verified using Multi Factor Authentication (could be 2 Factor or even more)
  • Additional Factor used to verify MFA usually consist of biometric (fingerprint, face) or specific token (One Time Password, Device Token)
  • Usually it is using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Web Token (JWT) format to verify claims
  • JWT is a compact URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties
  • JWT structure consist of 3 parts:
    • header: to identifies which algorithm is used to generate the signature
    • payload: contains a set of claims. has several standard fields:
      • iss: issuer of the token
      • sub: subject of the token (usually the user or owner of the resource)
      • aud: audience of the token (usually the party that will use the token)
      • exp: expiration time
    • signature: to securely validates the token
  • JWT is capable to be used for decentralized auth where the audience could verify claim legitimacy by only using the token without needing to connect to the issuer
  • Custom field of payload could be added to transfer information:
    • { payload: { scp: "repo package:delete" } }
  • OAuth (Open Authorization) is a standard designed to allow a website or application to access resources hosted by other web apps on behalf of a user
  • Widely used OAuth is version 2.0
  • OAuth main roles are:
    • Resource Owner: The user or system that owns the protected resources and can grant access to them
    • Client: The client is the system that requires access to the protected resources. To access resources, the Client must hold the appropriate Access Token
    • Authorization Server: This server receives requests from the Client for Access Tokens and issues them upon successful authentication and consent by the Resource Owner
    • Resource Server: A server that protects the user’s resources and receives access requests from the Client
  • OAuth provides several Grant Types, most used are:
    • Authorization Code Grant: The Authorization server returns a single-use Authorization Code to the Client, which is then exchanged for an Access Token
    • Client Credentials Grant: Used for non-interactive applications where the application is authenticated by using its client id and secret
    • Refresh Token Grant: The flow that involves the exchange of a Refresh Token for a new Access Token
    • Resource Owner Credentials Grant: This grant requires the Client first to acquire the resource owner’s credentials, which are passed to the Authorization server
  • OAuth Scope is used to specify exactly the reason for which access to resources may be granted
  • OAuth Scope usually consists of multiple claims e.g. scope: package is a group of several claims e.g. package:create, package:delete
  • OAuth uses JWT as token format

Unit Test

  • It Is commonly used to verify function behavior consistency by giving it several different inputs then evaluate expectation of its output
  • External dependencies usually mocked/stubbed for consistency, because the purpose of Unit Test is to verify the internal function behavior not external parties
  • External Party contract (request-response) should be agreed before integration and usually tested in System Integration Test (SIT) process

Test Cases

Q: Could you explain what is your most technically challenging in your working experience?

A: The answer may describe candidate's knowledge:

  • When the challenge is about learning curve/process, usually the candidate is still having issue on learning something new, thus could hinder Technical Growth
  • When the challenge is about implementing feature or fix, usually the candidate has no issue on learning something new and eager to explore new challenges

Q: What is the difference between Git Merge and Git Rebase?

A: There are some distinct differences:

  • Git Merge will apply remote changes on top of local changes
  • Git Rebase will apply local changes on top of remote changes

Q: How would you implement REST API to handle active state update of certain product?

A: There are usually 2 approaches to answer this:

  • Resource style:
    • PATCH /products/{id}/active-state { active_state: true }
    • it could also toggle active_state without sending any payload
  • RPC Style:
    • PATCH /update-products-active-state { id: 1, active_state: true }
  • Usually, it uses PATCH since its only changing some parts/fields of the resource

Q: How would you implement REST API to handle import list of products from csv?

A: There are several approaches to answer this:

  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol) based:
    • User will upload csv to some File Storage
    • File will be picked-up and processed by some Scheduler later-on
  • API based:
    • User will use REST API POST /products/import
    • Ways for the Service to process the File:
      • synchronously reading the File content and insert it to the database while User wait for the response which could possibly reach timeout when the File is too Large
      • Asynchronously by publishing Message/Event to Queue to be processed by Consumer/Worker while User will get Status Code 201 Accepted which means the request is Accepted and will be processed Asynchronously
      • Service could response with process_id so User could check the progress using another REST API GET /products/import/{process_id}