
Multiple images panorama stitching using opencv & python3

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • This repository contains an implementation of multiple image stitching.
  • Slow processing with high resolution images.
  • Images must be supplied in left-to-right order or vice versa.
  • Demo ->>> https://panorama4fun.herokuapp.com/


  • python > 3.7
  • opencv-contrib-python


  • pip install -r requirements.txt
    python main.py -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-r RESIZE] [-h]
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                            path to input directory
      -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                            path to output directory
      -r RESIZE (0|1), --resize RESIZE
                            enter 1 to resize lower resolution

    Project Structure :

    	|_ main.py
    	|_ utils.py
    	|_ features.py
    	|_ stitch.py
    	|_ data - |
    	|			|_ myhouse
    	|			|			|- 001.jpg
    	|			|			|- 002.jpg
    	|			|_ BK
    	|			|			|- H1.jpg
    	|			|			|- H2.jpg
    	|			|			|- H3.jpg
    	|			|.....etc.....
    	|_result -|
    	|          		|- myhouse.jpg
    	|          		|- BK.jpg
    	|		   	|.....etc.....

    To run :

    IMPORTANT!!! Images must be supplied in left-to-right order or vice versa .

  • Slow processing with high resolution images, so it must be resized before stitching
  • if you want to resize input images :
    `python main.py -i <input dir> -o <output dir> -r 1 `
  • Otherwise
    `python main.py -i <input dir> -o <output dir> `

    Outputs !!

    Stitching using Myhouse example

    Stitching using BK example

    Stitching using city example

    Stitching using parking lot example

    Stitching using building example

    References :

    [1] https://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/examples/feature-based-panoramic-image-stitching.html

    [2] https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2016/01/11/opencv-panorama-stitching/

    [3] http://ppwwyyxx.com/2016/How-to-Write-a-Panorama-Stitcher/