
A command-line wrapper for the Xerces schema parser

Primary LanguageJava


The xjparse library provides a convenient wrapper for running W3C XML Schema validation with Xerces.

Usage: java [java options] com.nwalsh.parsers.XJParse [parser options] doc.xml

Where [parser options] are:

  • -c catalogFile to load a particular XML Catalog
  • -v to perform a (DTD) validating parse
  • -s to enable W3C XML Schema validation
  • -S schema.xsd to use schema.xsd for validation, implies -s
  • -f to enable full schema checking, implies -s
  • -n to perform a namespace-ignorant parse
  • -E integer to specify the maximum number of errors to display
  • -d to enable debug mode; show stack trace on errors
  • -q to use quiet mode; validation warning and error messages suppressed

The process ends with error-level 1 if there are errors, 0 otherwise.


There are two jar files:

  • xjparse-app-X.Y.Z.jar contains the application classes and all of the dependencies. You can run the application directly out of this jar file.
  • xjparse-X.Y.Z.jar contains only the application classes; to use it, you’ll need to put the dependencies on your class path. (Look in build.gradle for the current set of dependencies.)


Running the following command:

java -jar xjparse-app-3.0.0.jar -f -S src/test/resources/schema/doc.xsd src/test/resources/docs/sample.xml

will demonstrate the results.


If you have questions or comments about xjparse, please visit http://github.com/ndw/xjparse for contact details or to report issues.