
Example and development testbed for the Notre Dame Web Group

Primary LanguageHTML


The purpose of this project is to provide Notre Dame branded styles for Zurb Foundation. To get started, check out http://foundation.zurb.com/docs.

View a demo of the project.


This theme is no longer maintained or updated. Please use the Bootstrap repository.

Brand Bar


By default, the department is set to "Office of Information Technologies". To change this you must edit several items in the "brandbar" in the header of the document. First, find the correct department code and replace "dept-ooit" with your new selection. These values can be found in the "Themes" section of "foundation_and_overrides.scss". You will also need to update the text inside of the "li" as well as the url. These styles call a preformatted graphic that replaces the text, but it's good to have the actual text there for accessibility purposes. The department is hidden by default at sizes less than 50em (~800px). Change as necessary depending on the graphic length of the department name.


There are several options available for the brand-bar. The default is the blue version and is designated by the class "theme-bb-blue". To use one of the other options, change the class to one of the following:

  • Blue (default): theme-bb-blue
  • Gold: theme-bb-gold
  • Light Gray: theme-bb-lightgray
  • Medium Gray: theme-bb-mediumgray
  • Dark Gray: theme-bb-darkgray

Title Bar

The title bar comes in several options. The default is Gold as designated by the class "theme-tb-gold". To use one of the other options, change the class to one of the following:

  • Gold (default): theme-tb-gold
  • Gold 2: theme-tb-gold2
  • Blue: theme-tb-blue

Top Bar

Foundation include a navigation/utility bar called the Top Bar. It's stored as a partial in this project and is located in the <header> in "application.html.erb". Remove if not needed.


These theme files are copyrighted, provided, and maintained by Marketing Communications: Web and the University of Notre Dame. Foundation copyright by ZURB, inc.