
Tools for processing the input and output of the Multilineair Engine version 2 (ME-2) and MetCor

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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me2tools is an R package developed for the processing of the outputs of the Multilinear Engine version 2 (ME-2) and MetCor. A license of the Multilinear Engine can be obtained from Dr. P. Paatero or the ME-2 version provided with the Positive Matrix Factorization Model for Environmental Data Analyses (EPA-PMF version 5.0) can be used for source apportionment. The use of me2tools for reading the outcome of a ME-2 analysis into R is firmly based on the package pmfr by Stuart Grange. As such, the the me2_read_* output can be used by the plotting routines of pmfr. In addition to the plotting routines available in pmfr, the package me2tools also contains some plotting routines, for example, to create an EPA-PMF style factor profiles plot.

Next to reading the output of the ME-2 analysis me2tools also contains some reading and plotting routines for the output of open-source advanced trajectory statistics modelling using MetCor. Using me2tools, the raster grids provided by MetCor can be read and projected on a map using various options. The plotting of the MetCor results uses the background maps rnaturalearth (or their high resolution equivalent rnaturalearthhires) as a background layer to display the raster grid. Please note that installing rnaturalearthdata is mandatory to use the data from rnaturalearth. To install the rnaturalearth packages, please follow the installation instructions for each package as displayed in the readme files available at the above locations.


Only the development version of me2tools is currently available through GitHub. The remotes package will need to be installed first to install the development version of me2tools. Then:

# Load helper package

# Install me2tools


This project is still under active development while we try to generalize the research code into usable functions. As such, features currently available in this package are still being enhanced, and new features are continually getting added or updated. Breaking changes in existing code will be documented in NEWS. If you encounter any bugs or have a suggestion or improvement, please open an issue or a pull request.

Example usage

ME-2 data files

We use the multi-time demo file provided with the ME-2 package from Dr. Paatero for the examples. We ran the "2wmtdemo.ini" with numtaks = 10, generating results for 10 runs in the output files. As mentioned in the accompanying description of the original demo package, it should be noted that this analysis should not be regarded as fully optimal. It is only offered to illustrate the overall setup and for example purposes.

Note The initial "2wmtdemo.ini" featured two similar data blocks before printing the F and G matrix. In this version, we have commented out lines 513 - 534 in the ini file to prevent the inclusion of the same data block to make it easier to read the data into R. It should be noted that the headers for the duplicate blocks of data were different, and these blocks can co-exists if needed.

# Load packages

# Read the data used as input in the ME-2 analysis
me2_input <- me2_read_MT_input(file = system.file("extdata", "demodata.txt", package="me2tools"),
                               tz = "Etc/GMT")

# Get the dates for the high resolution data
dates <- me2_input$conc %>%
  filter(Length == 1) %>%

# Get the species names
species <- names(me2_input$conc)[11:length(names(me2_input$conc))]

# Read the F and G from the .dat file
me2_output <- me2_read_dat(me2_dat_file = system.file("extdata", "mtdemo.dat", package="me2tools"),
                          dates = dates$date,
                          species = species,
                          tidy_output = TRUE,
                          tz = "Etc/GMT")

# Show the contents of the F_matrix

#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   model_type factor_profile           model_run run_type species factor        value
#>   <chr>      <chr>                        <dbl> <chr>    <chr>   <chr>         <dbl>
#> 1 ME-2       concentration_of_species         1 base_run Al      factor_01 0.000888 
#> 2 ME-2       concentration_of_species         1 base_run As      factor_01 0.000346 
#> 3 ME-2       concentration_of_species         1 base_run Cd      factor_01 0.0000516
#> 4 ME-2       concentration_of_species         1 base_run Chlorid factor_01 0        
#> 5 ME-2       concentration_of_species         1 base_run Cr      factor_01 0.0000529
#> 6 ME-2       concentration_of_species         1 base_run Cu      factor_01 0 

# Show the unique factor_profiles

#> [1] "concentration_of_species"   "percentage_of_factor_total" "percentage_of_species_sum"

# Show the contents of the G_matrix

#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#>   model_type unit       model_run run_type  date                factor    value
#>   <chr>      <chr>          <dbl> <chr>     <dttm>              <chr>     <dbl>
#> 1 ME-2       normalised         1 base_runs 2001-07-16 00:00:00 factor_01 1.17 
#> 2 ME-2       normalised         1 base_runs 2001-07-16 00:00:00 factor_02 0.403
#> 3 ME-2       normalised         1 base_runs 2001-07-16 00:00:00 factor_03 0.124
#> 4 ME-2       normalised         1 base_runs 2001-07-16 00:00:00 factor_04 0.366
#> 5 ME-2       normalised         1 base_runs 2001-07-16 00:00:00 factor_05 1.68 
#> 6 ME-2       normalised         1 base_runs 2001-07-16 00:10:00 factor_01 1.09 

# Show the unique unit

#> [1] "normalised"

# Plot factor profiles for run #
epa_plot_profile(me2_output$F_matrix %>% filter(model_run == 5))

MetCor data file

# Read the MetCor grid file
metcor_grid <- metcor_import(file=system.file("extdata", "metcor_example.txt", package="me2tools"))

# Create the first plot
metcor_plot(metcor.raster = metcor_grid)

# Change some of the options, by changing the plot options
metcor_plot_options <- metcor_plot_options()

# Set the centering of the plot to manual (can also be receptor if provided)
metcor_plot_options$plot$center.from <- "manual"

# With manual setting we need to provide the center point ourselves
metcor_plot_options$plot$center.point <- c("lat" = 52.101, "lon" = 5.128)

# Set the zoom level
metcor_plot_options$plot$zoom.level <- 2

# The legend title can contain HTML and markdown code
metcor_plot_options$legend$title <- "PM<sub>10</sub>"

# Point the compass to the true north (default setting is "grid")
metcor_plot_options$plot$compass.which_north <- "true"

# Plot the new figure.
metcor_plot(metcor.raster = metcor_grid,
            metcor.plot.options = metcor_plot_options)

# Add receptor point. With the receptor present, we can also set the "center.from" 
# option to "receptor" if we want. We don't do that here.
receptor <- tibble(site = c("Receptor"),
                   lon = c(5.128),
                   lat = c(52.101))

# The default plot option is "discrete" but we can also use "gradient"
metcor_plot_options$raster$type <- "gradient"

# Set the smooth.factor to 0 to remove the smoothing
metcor_plot_options$raster$smooth.factor <- 0

# Update the legend title with units, using HTML and a smaller font size.
metcor_plot_options$legend$title <- "PM<sub>10</sub><br><span style = 'font-size:10pt'>&micro;g/m<sup>3</sup></span>"

# Add an annotation to the plot
metcor_plot_options$annotation$text <- "Example plot"

# Plot the new figure.
metcor_plot(metcor.raster = metcor_grid,
            metcor.plot.options = metcor_plot_options,
            receptor = receptor)

Examples and citations

For more detailed usage examples see:

See also


This projects is licensed using the Open Source GPL-3 license, please see the license for details

Contributing and Code of Conduct

Contributions of any kind are most welcome, however, issues and pull requests are the preferred ways of sharing them.

Please note that the me2tools project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.