Build that discord bot in Haskell! Also checkout the calamity
haskell discord library for a more advanced interface than discord-haskell
This is an example bot that replies "pong" to messages that start with "ping".
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- allows "string literals" to be Text
import Control.Monad (when, void)
import Data.Text (isPrefixOf, toLower, Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import UnliftIO.Concurrent
import Discord
import Discord.Types
import qualified Discord.Requests as R
-- | Replies "pong" to every message that starts with "ping"
pingpongExample :: IO ()
pingpongExample = do userFacingError <- runDiscord $ def
{ discordToken = "Bot ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"
, discordOnEvent = eventHandler }
TIO.putStrLn userFacingError
eventHandler :: Event -> DiscordHandler ()
eventHandler event = case event of
MessageCreate m -> when (not (fromBot m) && isPing m) $ do
void $ restCall (R.CreateReaction (messageChannel m, messageId m) "eyes")
threadDelay (2 * 10^6)
void $ restCall (R.CreateMessage (messageChannel m) "Pong!")
_ -> return ()
fromBot :: Message -> Bool
fromBot = userIsBot . messageAuthor
isPing :: Message -> Bool
isPing = ("ping" `isPrefixOf`) . toLower . messageText
- APIv9
- rewrite eventloop issue 70
- Event type includes roles and other cached info
- higher level bot interface? easier to add state and stuff
discord-haskell is on hosted on hackage at,
In stack.yaml
- emoji-
- discord-haskell-VERSION
In project.cabal
executable haskell-bot
main-is: src/Main.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -threaded
build-depends: base
, text
, discord-haskell
For a more complete example with various options go to Installing the Library wiki page
Also take a look at Creating your first Bot for some help setting up your bot token
For single character Emoji you can use the unicode name ("eyes", "fire", etc).
For multi-character Emoji you must use the discord format. Type \:emoji:
a discord chat and paste that into the Text
For example :thumbsup::skin-tone-3:
is "👍\127997"
A custom emoji will look like <name:id_number>
or name:id_number
See examples/ping-pong.hs
for a CreateReaction
request in use.
Embeds are special messages with boarders and images. Example embed created by discord-haskell
The Embed
record (and sub-records) store embed data received from Discord.
The CreateEmbed
record stores data when we want to create an embed.
has a Default
instance, so you only need to specify the fields you use:
_ <- restCall (R.CreateMessageEmbed <channel_id> "Pong!" $
def { createEmbedTitle = "Pong Embed"
, createEmbedImage = Just $ CreateEmbedImageUpload <bytestring>
, createEmbedThumbnail = Just $ CreateEmbedImageUrl
Uploading a file each time is slow, prefer uploading images to a hosting site like, and then referencing them.
The following features are not implemented:
- Voice & Audio
- Authenticating with a user token
Always print the userFacingError Text returned from runDiscord
. I use this to record
errors that cannot be recovered from.
If something else goes wrong with the library please open an issue. It is helpful, but not always necessary, to attach a log of what's going on when the library crashes.
Assign a handler to the discordOnLog :: Text -> IO ()
to print info as it happens.
Remember to remove sensitive information before posting.
For a list of rest requests, gateway events, and gateway sendables go to the official discord documentation
The rest requests line up very closely. The documentation lists
Get Channel
and discord-haskell has GetChannel :: ChannelId -> ChannelRequest Channel
. Same for gateway Event
The examples were crafted to display a variety of use cases. Read them with care.
For deeper questions about how the library functions, feel free to open an issue.
Coming sometime!