Queen's High Energy and Astroparticle Theory group documentation

Template for the Read the Docs tutorial

This GitHub template includes fictional Python library with some basic Sphinx docs.

Read the tutorial here:


Getting Started

To start editing the group wiki, you'll need Python with Sphinx installed. This can be done through pip, and involves installing the packages sphinx and sphinx-rtd-theme. You will also need sphinx-copybutton as well.

Alternatively, you can get all the Python dependences in a virtual environment by running the following commands in the repository's root folder

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

This virtual environment can be used to build the website locally to view edits you have made. To activate it source the activation script in the /.venv/bin/ directory, and to deactivate it run deactivate in the terminal.

The pages can be found in the /docs/source directory, with the homepage labeled index.rst. The existing pages can be edited in place to update them, and a new page can be created by creating a new .rst file alongside the others and adding the filename to the .. toctree:: table of contents in index.rst.

To build the website pages, simply cd into the docs directory and run make html. If you also want to build a LaTeX pdf version of the docs, run make latexpdf. The built files can be viewed in /docs/build. To view the website, you can just open /docs/build/html/index.html in a browser. You can keep this local version of the website open and simply refresh the page to see changes you make after re-building.