
A repo for development of a commentary on opportunities for radical transparency and communication of systematic reviews using web-based interactivity and Open Source tools and frameworks


A repo for development of a commentary article on opportunities for radical transparency and communication of systematic reviews using web-based interactivity and Open Source tools and frameworks.
Working title: 'WebSRs: web-based publication of systematic reviews for radical transparency, Open Synthesis and interactive communication'

This commentary will introduce the concept of using Web2.0 interactivity to support digital transparency and Open Synthesis in systematic review publication.

Suggested structure is as follows:

  1. Definition of radical transparency in relation to Open Synthesis and brief history of transparency and openness in evidence synthesis
  2. Potential uses of interactivity in support of transparency and communication
    a. Optimise digital linkages to additional data and information
    b. 'Drip-feed' information to the reader (tooltips > accordions > hyperlinks)
    c. Allow the reader to choose how much information they see and how (nested, structured texts, as opposed to flat structures foudn in traditional manuscripts)
    d. Replicate analyses (as described for Executable Research Articles in eLife)
    e. Facilitate communication of living reviews and ongoing review projects ('glass box' approach)
  3. Description of the potential benefits of web-based reporting of systematic reviews
  4. Practical advice and recommended future steps needed to support web-based SRs
    a. What tools can support webSRs?
    b. Where should they be published?
    c. Should they be published instead of traditional articles?
    d. Are there any disadvantages/risks?
    e. What is the cost?

Contributions are welcomed as comments on issues. Additional issues will be curated at the discretion of the lead author (Neal Haddaway). If you would like to contribute as a co-author, please contact Neal (neal.haddadway@sei.org). The article is planned as a submission to the ESTech special series jointly published by Environmental Evidence and Campbell Systematic Reviews.