

Clone this repository

$ git clone

Install PHP dependencies

Assuming you have Composer installed globally on your system, you can just run the composer command as described. If you don't have composer, you'll need to download and install it from Follow these instructions to put composer into a global location on your system.

$ cd catstagram
$ composer install

Install JS dependencies

$ npm install

This will automatically kick off bower install as well

Setup some environment variables

You'll need to properly set up the environment variables, otherwise Laravel will get upset and will only show you errors.

Create a file called .env (note the leading '.') in the project root, right next to the .env.example file you can see.

And add the following content


The Application

Run the application as you wish, using Laravel's $ php artisan serve, or the PHP built-in web server, or configure an Apache / Nginx host of your choice.

If you choose to use Laravel's $ php artisan serve, you should go to http://localhost:8000 in your browser to see the application.

Pastebin api feedback is given to the user in the UI. Error feedback is shown in red boxes, successful transfers are shown in blue and contain a clickable link.

Pastebin feedback

App details:


PHP tests

PHP API acceptance tests and unit tests are performed with PHPUnit and are in the /tests directory. To run them, run PHPUnit

$ php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit

PHPUnit test output

Javascript tests

JS tests are written using Angular's Jasmine framework for spec tests and Protractor for e2e testing.

Jasmine spec tests:

First you need to configure which browsers you have on your system in karma.conf.js. If you have both Firefox and Chrome installed on your system for example, you can leave the config as it is. If you only have Chrome you should remove 'Firefox' from the config, and vice-versa.

Then run the test suite

$ npm test

Jasmine test output

Protractor end-to-end tests

To run Protractor e2e tests, first you must run the NPM server

$ npm start

And in a separate terminal window:

$ npm run protractor

Protractor test output

Notes / Thoughts / Improvements

  • The controller is coupled to the framework, albeit relatively loosely. It would be nice to implement PSR-7 compatible controllers, define them as services, and decouple completely from Laravel. I don't immediately know if Laravel provides an easy way to do this, or if trying so would be overkill for this project.
  • I toyed with the idea of using Laravel's commandbus and dispatching domain events for user interactions, but again this seemed like overkill for the purposes of the tech test.
  • The test cases is PastebinFileInfoUploaderTest.php pass the dependencies in a rather ugly way. They could be tidied.
  • The uploaded URL notification could do with an auto-expire / remove on it to stop the page filling up with notifications.