PHP Bloom Filter

This package acts as a configurable Bloom filter, allowing you to confidently determine if a particular value has not already been seen / cached by your application.

It provides a fast and memory-efficient way of knowing for certain if a value has definitely not been encountered yet, but the tradeoff is that there is no way for knowing with absolute certainty if a value definitely has been encountered.

So if the Bloom filter says "No, this value has not been processed yet", you can be 100% sure that it hasn't. However, if the filter says "this value might have been processed", you don't know that with absolute certainty and it would be best to double-check.

Using this package

You can use the provided Bloom filters individually if there's a low chance of false positives in your data set, but a better idea may be to use the MultiStrategyBloomFilter with several different hashing algorithms configured (read the full explanation below for more on why this is the case). Using several different algorithms will increase the memory usage and reduce the performance of querying the filter, but this should still be a fraction of what it would be if you weren't using any filters at all.

use Nealio82\BloomFilter\Base64AlphabetBloomFilter;
use Nealio82\BloomFilter\FullAsciiAlphabetBloomFilter;
use Nealio82\BloomFilter\Hasher\Base64StringHasher;
use Nealio82\BloomFilter\Hasher\Md5StringHasher;
use Nealio82\BloomFilter\Hasher\OriginalStringHasher;
use Nealio82\BloomFilter\Hasher\Sha1StringHasher;
use Nealio82\BloomFilter\LowercaseAlphanumericBloomFilter;
use Nealio82\BloomFilter\MultiStrategyBloomFilter;
use Nealio82\BloomFilter\Value;

 * Storing only the raw string using the full ASCII character set as the Bloom filter
$stringFilter = new FullAsciiAlphabetBloomFilter(
    new OriginalStringHasher()

\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('hello'))); // true

$stringFilter->store(new Value('hello'));

// These three values are all sub-sets of 'hello', and will match if we only compare raw strings
\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('hello'))); // false
\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('hell'))); // false
\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('he'))); // false

// This super-set of 'hello' will not match, as we haven't stored the following characters in the filter: `, wrd`
\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('hello, world'))); // true

 * Chaining multiple Bloom filters to reduce the chance of false positives
$stringFilter = new MultiStrategyBloomFilter(
    new FullAsciiAlphabetBloomFilter(
        new OriginalStringHasher()
    new Base64AlphabetBloomFilter(
        new Base64StringHasher()
    new LowercaseAlphanumericBloomFilter(
        new Md5StringHasher()
    new LowercaseAlphanumericBloomFilter(
        new Sha1StringHasher()

\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('hello'))); // true

$stringFilter->store(new Value('hello'));

\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('hello'))); // false

// The sub-sets of 'hello' have been hashed against different algorithms, and the number of false matches has reduced
\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('hell'))); // true
\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('he'))); // true

// This super-set of 'hello' will not match, as we haven't stored the following characters in any filters: `, wrd`
\var_dump($stringFilter->definitelyNotInSet(new Value('hello, world'))); // true

More about Bloom filters

An example

Imagine you have a CSV file containing millions of records, which you need to process and cross-reference against several different data sources via a flaky network connection. Let's assume that query batching strategies aren't applicable here for whatever reason; perhaps dataset B is exposed via a 3rd-party rest API which only allows you to fetch single items by ID. In this example we'll assume that there isn't a 1:1 mapping between your CSV and the 3rd-party API, meaning that every row being processed in your CSV in could potentially end up making the very same API request that processing the previous row made.

In order to reduce wasted time waiting for responses over your network, you want to find a way of avoiding making the lookup calls for information that you've already fetched. Or, perhaps in this example, this 3rd party has a 'pay per lookup' model and you're going to bankrupt yourself by repeating the same query over-and-over, which means that distributing the job across asynchronous workers won't help you here. Either way, the goal is to only fetch the information if we know we haven't already requested it.

You might be thinking "Aha! I'll just cache all results in an array and use the request URL / params as the array key!". Well, as your data sets grow so will your memory usage, and you're going to run into the classic 'failed allocating .... bytes' failure mode sooner or later.

You could try storing all the results in a more memory-efficient structure, such as a linked list, but these structures are slow to search through and doing it for millions of records is not going to be a quick task.

So you're seemingly left with the choice of making a slow search through a linked list for each of millions of records on each iteration regardless of if you've already got the data or not, or making a slow and expensive network call every time instead.

You need a way of knowing if a particular record has already been queried before you start going into your linked lists looking for it. Remember, we'd be doing this iteration through the list for every row in the CSV. Unless you can avoid unnecessary trips through the list, it's going to take ages to process your CSV...

A Bloom filter helps here because you can immediately know if you haven't already fetched the data and move straight to the 'fetch info over the network' step, thus avoiding the slow iterations through a growing linked list.


                  | Is it in the cache? |
                  | Bloom filter check |
             |                            | 
             v                            v
+--------------------------+       +-------------------+
| Definitely not in filter |       | Possibly in cache | 
+------------+-------------+       +---------+---------+
             |                               |
      we can bypass the                      v
    entire cache check flow     +-------------------------+
             |                  | Linked list cache check |
             |                  +------------+------------+
             |                               |
             |                               |
             |             linked lists are highly efficient with
             |             memory usage, but slow to search through
             |                               |
             |                               |
             |                   +-----------+-----------+
             |                   |                       |
             |            we should avoid                |                 
             |          this path if we can              |
             |                   |                       |
             |                   v                       v
             |        +--------------------+     +----------------+
             |        | Not found in cache |     | Found in cache |
             |        +---------+----------+     +-------+--------+
             |                  |                        |
             |                  |                 avoid unnecessary
             |                  |                 network requests!
             |                  v                        |
             |     +-------------------------------+     |
             +---->| Make network request          |     |
                   | Add data to linked list cache |     |
                   | Add record to Bloom filter    |     |
                   +-------------------+-----------+     |
                                       |                 |
                                       v                 v
                                 | Return the value to the client |

Other caching improvements to use alongside a Bloom filter

There are additional caching strategies you could employ to make the lookup through the linked list faster, although these are beyond the scope of this package.

One particular strategy is having an array of linked lists, where the array key is some representation of part of the hash of the record you're storing. Instead of one huge linked list containing all records in the cache, you would end up with several much smaller linked lists which you can jump directly to and so split the search into smaller chunks.

Eg, if you needed memory-efficient storage of records inside linked lists, and record IDs are UUIDs, you could arrange an array of linked lists like so:

 * Given this small sample of a set of millions of record IDs:
 * 46a6e6df-9ad5-4d05-a7a3-e2d06582678d
 * a7582da0-bee2-42fd-91b5-127dbd1c1428
 * d450bf2f-0c41-417c-b46d-d35a0d124d0e
 * 51a9cacc-1ece-4313-88c3-4dca92dc9a05
 * a7582da0-9ad5-4d05-a7a3-e2d06582678d
 * a7582da0-bee2-42fd-91b5-e2d06582678d
 * d450bf2f-1ece-4313-88c3-4dca92dc9a05
 * We can use the first section of the UUID to distribute 
 * the IDs across the buckets of linked list caches.

$bucketList = [
 '46a6e6df' => new \SplDoublyLinkedList(), // contains '46a6e6df-9ad5-4d05-a7a3-e2d06582678d'
 'a7582da0' => new \SplDoublyLinkedList(), // contains 'a7582da0-bee2-42fd-91b5-127dbd1c1428', 'a7582da0-9ad5-4d05-a7a3-e2d06582678d', and 'a7582da0-bee2-42fd-91b5-e2d06582678d'
 'd450bf2f' => new \SplDoublyLinkedList(), // contains 'd450bf2f-0c41-417c-b46d-d35a0d124d0e' and 'd450bf2f-1ece-4313-88c3-4dca92dc9a05'
 '51a9cacc' => new \SplDoublyLinkedList(), // contains '51a9cacc-1ece-4313-88c3-4dca92dc9a05'

 * Now, when we need to check the cache for a particular ID,
 * such as 'a7582da0-9ad5-4d05-a7a3-e2d06582678d'
 * instead of searching one long list for the existence of a record,
 * we know immediately to jump to the a7582da0 bucket and search 
 * inside there instead. 
 * This strategy uses more memory than a single linked list, 
 * but increases performance of searching, especially with very
 * large data sets  

Other example use-cases for Bloom filters

  • Web crawlers (e.g. Googlebot) can use Bloom filters to know if they've already crawled a domain / page so that they can avoid never-ending crawls when they encounter circular references between pages. At the scale of billions of pages on the internet, this is a far better strategy than keeping a list of every individual crawl.
  • Url shortening services (e.g. TinyUrl or can keep a Bloom filter of blacklisted sites / domains, and confidently forward users to the destination URL if the requested page is "definitely not in the blacklist"

How Bloom filters work

This is easiest to understand from the example of strings, and then to look at the case for integers later.

Imagine you're working on an application which needs to process the words in a dictionary, and your first line gives you a string containing the characters test. Your Bloom filter is set up as an array where the keys are the letters a to z, and the values are all set to false (or 0 in the example below).


[a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z] <-- keys
[0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0] <-- values

As you process the string you also update the Bloom filter to store the word test, which the filter does by setting the array elements for each unique letter in the word to true (or 1). This means our filter will set t, e, and s to 1 in this example.

[a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z] <-- keys
[0][0][0][0][1][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][1][1][0][0][0][0][0][0] <-- values

You then move to processing the next word, which is tested. You want to check if you've already seen this word, so you ask the Bloom filter if the string tested definitely does not exist in the stored set.

The Bloom filter checks the values held in the array at the positions of t, e, s, d.

[a][b][c][d][e]...[s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z] <-- keys
[0][0][0][0][1]...[1][1][0][0][0][0][0][0] <-- values

We can see that the letters t, e, and s have already been encountered from the word test, but d is still false so we know for certain that we haven't (yet) seen any words containing a d, including tested.

We process the word tested and also ask the Bloom filter to store the word, which it does by setting d to true in its array. We keep flipping bits from false to true as we process our dictionary file and encounter new letters.

Imagine we've now moved onto the third word, which is sett (the name of the den where badgers live). The Bloom filter checks the values held in the array at the positions of s, e, t.

[a][b][c][d][e]...[s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z] <-- keys
[0][0][0][1][1]...[1][1][0][0][0][0][0][0] <-- values

Now we have a different result. The values for s, e, and t are all true. This means we might have already processed the word sett, but we can never be sure. We would then need to take some sort of action to make sure it isn't a false positive.

The fourth word is untested. Because u and n are still false in the filter, we know we haven't seen this word yet. The same goes for hello and world. If any values are false for any letters in the word (even if all the other letters have all been flipped to true), we know for sure it's a new value to us.

Reducing false positives (converting "maybes" to "definitely nots")

More filters

As you saw in the third example word (sett above) when a value being checked against the filter is a sub-set of the characters of words which have already been checked, we can end up with false positives. We can reduce the ratio of these by representing the same data in different ways, and setting up a distinct Bloom filter for each of those.

Eg, we can mitigate the test / sett false positive above by hashing the words against different algorithms and comparing each:

$test = 'test';
$sett = 'sett';


string(32) "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6" <- md5('test') contains no '5'
string(40) "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3"
string(8) "dGVzdA==" <- contains no 'c', '2', or '0'


string(32) "ed72b39fed0414c29c4ce07065384d9d"
string(40) "022fe9e6785e0efbfadd413638a0159ae2113736"
string(8) "c2V0dA=="

If we were to set up three Bloom filters for each of raw-string, MD5, SHA1, and Base64, then we would see the following:

  • The raw-string Bloom filter would say sett is possibly contained within the filter which already contains test, as t, e, and s are all true.
  • The MD5 Bloom filter would say that sett is definitely not contained within its filter, as the MD5 representation of sett contains a 5, and md5('test') doesn't.
  • The SHA1 Bloom filter would say that sett is possibly contained within the filter, as all the letters returned by sha1('sett') are already present in the output from sha1('test').
  • The Base64 Bloom filter would say that sett is definitely not contained within its filter, as the characters c, 2, and 0 do not exist in the output from base64_encode('test').

We could ask each of these filters in turn if they can confidently say that sett is not within its filter. If any of them confidently report that the word has not been stored in the filter, then we know for certain that it doesn't exist in any of the filters.

Wider key-space

Along with more filters, we can tune the algorithm by adding a wider key-space that our values can be converted to. For example, if we had a filter containing space for only [a][b][c][d][e][f] and a hashing algorithm which always converted all inputs to one of the letters a to f, we would be severely limited by the key-space of 6 values that we could store in our filter.

The ASCII character set has a key-space width of 128 (0 to 127), so a hashing algorithm which can make use of the =, ~, DEL, SPACE, etc characters would also reduce the risk of false positives.

More entropy

Some Bloom filters hash the same data several times over. This could also be an effective strategy for diversifying the hashes that you check in your filter. You are limited only by the set of unique characters you can store in your key space (and how effectively the hashing algorithm distributes values across them), so have a go at adding your own. You could create a hashing algorithm which maps words to sets of Emojis, and you would then compare smilies against poops.

Checking integers

The filters above are fast and memory-efficient methods for filtering string values, but we can optimise memory usage even further for integers.

For example, assuming that 1 Byte of memory is needed for each ASCII character we use in our filter, using a key space of all uppercase and lowercase letters, plus numbers 0-9 means we're using (2 * 26) + 10 = 62 Bytes of memory on a single filter.

For checking integers we can use a fraction of that while representing a much greater set of values by converting numbers to their binary representations and then storing the filter as a single integer. On 32-bit systems this will take 4 Bytes (representing up to about 2 billion values), and on 64-bit systems this will use 8 Bytes (9 billion billion values).

We begin with a filter with the internal integer set to 0. Represented as a single Byte, this is 00000000.

When we want to store the number 1, the internal integer's Byte representation becomes 00000001.

Now, when we check if the number 2 (00000010) is in the filter, we can see that there is a mismatch where the number 2 has a 1 where a 0 exists in the filter. We can say that 2 definitely does not exist in the filter.

Storing 2 into the filter means just setting the filter's bits to 1 wherever they aren't already 1. Eg, the filter becomes 00000011. This means that 1 and 2 are contained within the filter, and the filter's internal integer simply stores the value 3.

However, this means that the number 3 (whose binary representation is 0000011) will return a false positive if we ask the filter for its existence.

If we then store the number 100 (01100100), our filter becomes 0000011 augmented with 01100100 => 01100111.

Any numbers within the range 01101111 (111) to 01111111 (127), and 10000000 (128) and above will be definitely not in set.

It's most efficient when using an integer-based Bloom filter like this one to process results in ascending order if you can, as the left-most bit will always be the last to flip to true.

Caveats of Bloom filters

  1. While you can always be sure that the filter is 100% correct when it says something definitely is not contained within the filter, the opposite is not true. That means that you cannot ever be certain that a particular value definitely does exist within the filter.
  2. As the filter begins to fill up with values, the rate of false positives also increases. A fully saturated filter ( where all the bits have been flipped to 1) will be just as effective as having no filter at all. However, even once the filter is completely saturated you would not see a noticeable performance penalty, and the time savings you made while the filter was filling up from the beginning would probably be a huge benefit.
  3. It's an additional layer of caching and complexity in your system.