
Assignment 1 for DSAA (Digital Signals Analysis and Applications) Course

Primary LanguageMATLAB

  • Assignment on signal processing

  • There are 7 questions given in Assignment1.pdf

  • Run the following codes in MATLAB-

    • q1.m - Uses Nearest Neighbour interpolation to resize an image
    • bil_q1.m - Uses Bilinear interpolation to resize an image
    • q2.m - Convolve image with edge-detection filter (Sobel operator)
    • q4.m - Contains code to subsample the audio in 'myRecording.wav'. Also convolves your recording with impulse responses of various environments (Eg. Church)
    • q4_generateAudioFile.m - Record your own voice and store in 'myRecording.wav'
    • q5.m - Explores different cases of edge detection filter
    • q6.m - Face Detection (Uses correlation to find a paticular matching face amongst a group of faces)
    • q7.m - Finds convolution filter given input and output signal
  • Theoretical solutions are in 'Report.pdf'