
Clean room implementation of the LSP protocol in Scala, published for JVM, JS, and Native platforms

Primary LanguageScala

Langoustine - write Language Servers in Scala 3

... and use them with Javascript, JVM, or even native libraries

Status as of August 3rd, 2022: active, but very unstable, use (don't) at your own risk

langoustine-lsp Scala version support

  • API documentation
  • SBT: libraryDependencies += "tech.neander" %% "langoustine-app" % "0.0.21"
  • Mill: ivy"tech.neander::langoustine-app::0.0.21"
  • Scala CLI //> using lib "tech.neander::langoustine-app::0.0.21"

What is it?

It's a clean room implementation of the LSP protocol definitions.

By "clean room" we mean

  1. Using only Scala libraries
  2. Idiomatic Scala code
  3. Using Scala 3 features

Most of the code is generated directly from the recently published LSP specification in JSON format.

Is there a simple example?

Introducing Quickmaffs, a primitive language with a LSP, REPL, and an interpreter, designed specifically to demonstrate how easy it is to build Language Servers with Langoustine.

GIF demonstrating operations in the editor with the made up Quickmaffs language

What can I use it for?

Writing a language server for:

  1. your own toy language

  2. already existing language but with specific requirements

    For example, see Grammar.js LSP - written specifically for the grammar.js files in the Tree Sitter grammars.

    It uses the Scala.js artifact of this project, because it's easier to parse JavaScript using a JavaScript library and package the whole server as a Node.js application.

  3. markup languages and protocol files, think

    1. Certain YAML files (LSP with verification for Github Actions YAML files!)
    2. Avro files
    3. Protobuf files
    4. Smithy files (jk a great one already exists)
    5. LLVM IR text files (for all those compiler engineers!)
    6. Scala Native's NIR files
    7. loads and loads more

Even basic Go To Definition implementation for the files you work with for hours on a daily basis can have an immeasurable impact on your productivity.

Do I need to write a custom extension for my editor to talk to my LSP server ?

Depends on how amazing you want the UX to be really, but if you're a lazy sloth like we are, head over the following list :

  • neovim, if you hate rodents
  • vscode, if you like rodents (provided by yours truly)
  • intellij (no commits in a few years, will need a brave soul to step-up)
  • emacs, if you have 20 fingers on each of your 8 hands
  • sublime, if you're a decent person who pays for software

Should I use it?

Please refer to this helpful diagram:

│  YAS KWEEEN  │                                                     
│     area     │                           .───────────.             
└──────────────┘                       _.─'             `──.         
        │                           ,─'                     '─.      
        │                          ╱                           ╲     
        │                        ,'      People who enjoy       `.   
        │                       ╱          using Scala 3          ╲  
        │       .───────────.  ;                                   : 
        │   _.─'             `─;.                                  : 
        └────────────────────────────┐                              :
        ╱                     │     ╲│     .───────────.            │
      ,'                      │      │._.─'             `──.        │
     ╱                        :     ,┼'╲                    '─.     ;
    ;                          :   ╱ │  :                      ╲   ; 
    ;                          : ,'  │  :                       `. ; 
   ;                            ╱    │   :                        ╲  
   │                           ; ╲   ▼   │                       ╱ : 
   │     People who enjoy      ;  `.     │                     ,'  : 
   :     creating Language    ;     ╲    ;                    ╱     :
    :         Servers         │      '─.;                  ,─'      │
    :                         │         `──.           _.─'         │
     ╲                        :        ╱    `─────────'             ;
      ╲                        :      ╱                            ; 
       `.                      :    ,'      People who are         ; 
         ╲                      ╲  ╱           ready for          ╱  
          '─.                   ,╲'         disappointment       ╱   
             `──.           _.─'  `.                           ,'    
                 `─────────'        ╲                         ╱      
                                     '─.                   ,─'       
                                        `──.           _.─'          

If you are in the YAS KWEEN area - welcome and let's have some fun!