A collection of sketches using various libraries I use during courses.
- Chladni plate interference surfaces
- L_System
- Turmites - according to wikipedia, a turmite is a Turing machine which has an orientation as well as a current state and a "tape" that consists of an infinite two-dimensional grid of cells.
- Sunflower
- Torus - made with Processing 1.5.1.
- RuttEtra
- MazeGenerator - using recursive backtracker algorithm.
- OmbroCinema
SimpleMapAppOpenPaths - example on how to use Unfolding Maps library for plotting geo positions retrieved from https://openpaths.cc in real time. Using the new data capabilities of Processing 2 (JSON stuff)
SimpleMapAppOpenPathsCSV - example on how to use Unfolding Maps for plotting geo positions and Ani to track those positions over time retrieved from csv data downloaded from your account on https://openpaths.cc. This example does not take into account «real speed» between points
- CanvasOSC - example on how to draw on canvas from another computer
- CanvasOSCClient
- CameraPropagation
- CameraSlitScanVertical