Spotify Albums by Release Date

A wee app to help visualise the albums a user has saved on Spotify.


This project requires having 3 environment variables set: CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET and HOME_URL. The client key pair come from the Spotify API apps in the Spotify developer dashboard. These can be provided either by setting environment variables in the shell or by using .envrc and a tool like direnv.

The Spotify API app must have http://localhost:8000/callback as a callback if you are using the default settings.

Using direnv

Copy .envrc.sample to .envrc and add your Spotify API app client id and secret to it. The HOME_URL variable is already populated with the default development URL for Deno.


Start the project:

deno task start

This will watch the project directory and restart as necessary.

TODOs and Considerations

  • Stop being blocked by Privacy Badger
  • Fetch all user albums asynchronously (might run into rate limits)
  • Is there a better way to approach the interactivity?
  • Should the albums be fetched on the server or on the client?