
A demo of Microsoft Bot Framework using LUIS.ai

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Codecamp Romania Bot (beta)

A demo of using Microsoft Bot Framework and Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) to produce an intelligent bot.

This bot allows users to find sessions that are of interest to them at Codecamp Romania events.


Follow these steps to set up your own copy of this bot:

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Log onto LUIS.ai and import an application by using the BotFrameworkDemo/CodeCampDemoLuisApp.json file.

  3. Train and Publish your model.

  4. Open the BotFrameworkDemo.sln solution file in Visual Studio 2015 or later.

  5. Open the BotFrameworkDemo/CodeCampDialog.cs file and point the bot dialog at your imported LUIS model, by editing the parameters for the LuisModel attribute as shown in the picture below.

    • You will find the Application ID as the GUID in the URL of the application, when editing it inside the LUIS.ai portal. (the URL will be https://www.luis.ai/application/xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
    • For the key to use, see the Manage your keys section.

  6. Build and run the BotFrameworkDemo project in Debug mode. You should have a web application running on http://localhost:3979/.

  7. Use the Bot Framework Channel Emulator to test the bot locally. The only configuration required is to set the Bot URL to http://localhost:3979/api/messages.

  8. Go to Microsoft Bot Framework portal and register a new bot, then you can enable it for Skype and any other channels you like.

  9. To make your bot accessible by other users, you need to:

    • Update the Web.config file of the project to reflect the correct BotId, MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword for the bot you have registered. You would have created all three values during the previous step, in the Microsoft Bot Framework portal, in the configuration section for your bot.

    • Deploy the BotFrameworkDemo web application to a public website host - for example Azure App Service. Here is a tutorial. You can get $25 of free Azure per month by signing up for Visual Studio Dev Essentials.

    • Publish the bot from the Microsoft Bot Framework portal.

You can post any issues you find with this bot right inside the Issues section of this GitHub repo.

Have fun!

Sorin Peste (sorinpe at microsoft dot com)