
MusicBrainz ratings synchronisation for Rhythmbox

Primary LanguagePython

MusicBrainz ratings synchroinsation

This is a python plugin for Rhythmbox to automatically synchronise the ratings from your library to your musicbrainz.org-account. They will be visible on your user profile.

Requires the musicbrainz2 python module.

You must have used a MusicBrainz tagger which adds the track-UUID as metadata to your audio files for this to work. "Rated tracks" in the settings counts the number of UUID'd tracks that were submitted, "untagged tracks" is the number of unrecognized tracks. (I might add an option to list these tracks later…)


On Ubuntu execute sudo apt-get install python-musicbrainz2 cd ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/ mkdir plugins ; cd plugins git clone git://github.com/funkycoder/mbratings.git and restart Rhythmbox

If you run into problems start as rhythmbox -D ratings for debug output.

Since there is currently no sane way to retrieve the ratings from a musicbrainz.org-account, it syncs one way only. The DBM-file ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/mbratings.remote stores the ratings that were sent to musicbrainz. Delete this file and the plugin will send all the ratings again (for example when choosing a different user).

Your password will be stored unencrypted in gconf (like the last.fm plugin does)