I Am Human Dapp

Frontend for I Am Human and Soulbound Tokens.


Master is our CI branch for production (production dapp must use latest version of this branch), and develop is our ongoing development branch. Workflow:

  1. Start a discussion in NDC Technical WG telegram (IAH UI sub-channel) or create an issue.
  2. Create a feature branch based on the latest develop.
  3. Make a Pull Request targeting develop. Ask for reviews.
  4. Once you will get approvals, use the Merge Queue - Github automatic mechanism to merge and squash your branch into develop.

To update the production:

  1. Make a Pull Request from develop to master.
    • master must be ONLY updated by merging develop → master.
  2. Use the Merge Queue - this time, it is configured to preserve commits (not squashing them).
  3. CI will automatically build new prod version.