
Extract embedded ABI from a NEAR smart contract

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NEAR ABI Example

Build a NEAR smart contract with ABI embedded, and inspect it on-chain.


  • cargo-near for building the smart contract.

    $ cargo install cargo-near
  • near-cli for deploying the smart contract.

    $ npm install -g near-cli


  • Clone and download the dependencies.

    $ git clone https://github.com/near/abi-example
    $ cd abi-example
    $ npm install
  • Next, we need to build and deploy a contract with ABI embedded.

    • Build the contract

      $ cargo near build --release --embed-abi --doc --out-dir ./res


      This would export the compiled contract to the res directory, with its ABI embedded within.

    • Deploy the contract.

      $ NEAR_ENV=testnet near dev-deploy ./res/adder.wasm
      Starting deployment. Account id: dev-1661966288541-80307357536154, node: https://rpc.testnet.near.org, file: ./res/adder.wasm
      Transaction Id FqZPhkJ2YzFkrUXFpUetwmwtzgm9P7QMLyMtGZQhRx5u
      To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
      Done deploying to dev-1661966288541-80307357536154
  • Next, inspect the ABI for the on-chain contract. (the returns JSON adhering to this schema)

    • Quick inspection

      $ NEAR_ENV=testnet node inspect.js dev-1661966288541-80307357536154
        schema_version: '0.3.0',
        metadata: {
          name: 'adder',
          version: '0.1.0',
          authors: [ 'Near Inc <hello@nearprotocol.com>' ],
          build: { compiler: 'rustc 1.64.0', builder: 'cargo-near 0.3.0' }
        body: {
          functions: [
    • Export the ABI as compact JSON (see res/adder_abi.json for a full output)

      $ NEAR_ENV=testnet node inspect.js dev-1661966288541-80307357536154 --json --compact
      {"schema_version":"0.3.0","metadata":{"name":"adder","version":"0.1.0","authors":["Near Inc <hello@nearprotocol.com>"],"build":{"compiler":"rustc 1.64.0","builder":"cargo-near 0.3.0"}},"body":{"functions":[{ ...
    • Export the raw, compressed ABI (should be the same as the file in ./res/adder_abi.zst), you can test this with:

      $ NEAR_ENV=testnet node inspect.js dev-1661966288541-80307357536154 --raw > contract_abi.zst
      $ diff -s contract_abi.zst ./res/adder_abi.zst
      Files contract_abi.zst and res/adder_abi.zst are identical

    See node inspect.js --help for a complete list of options.

  • You can also install it globally if you find it useful.

    $ npm link

    Afterwards, you can use the near-inspect command anywhere instead of node inspect.js.


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