Handmade custom game engine library
Coming soon....
Visual Studio 2019 is recommended, Beluga-Engine is untested on other development environments except Windows build.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/JunGameDev/Beluga-Engine.git
Make sure that you do a --recursive clone to fetch all of the directories.
- Visual Studio
- After opened .sln file, make sure to set SandBox as a startup project.
Beluga Engine is made with following libraries.
- SDL2 v2.0.7
- SDL_Image v2.0.2
- SDL_Mixer v2.0.2
- zlib v1.2.11
- Box2D
- Lua 5.3
- Tinyxml2
- C++ 14/17
- Engine Configuration
- Graphics
- SDL2.0
- Input
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Xbox Controller
- Music / Sound
- .mp3
- .wav
- Actor-Component Model
- Event System
- Game Event
- Game Process
- Resource Compression & decompression
- .bin
- Resource Cache
- Scripting
- Lua
- Collision Detection
- Level Editing
- Tiled