
[![Witheme.json](https://img.shields.io/badge/Witheme.json-Custom%20iSH%20Theme-2ea44f)](https://github.com/Wharkly/Witheme.json) **Description:** Customized iSH terminal theme with a dark background and blue/white text. *Author: [Wharkly](https://github.com/Wharkly) | Contact: wharklya@gmail.com*

MIT LicenseMIT


Customized theme for iSH terminal.


This repository contains a personalized theme configuration (Witheme.json) for the iSH terminal. The theme features a dark background with blue and white text, providing a sleek and readable appearance.


To use this theme, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the content of Witheme.json.

  2. Open your iSH terminal.

  3. Navigate to the configuration settings.

  4. Replace the existing configuration with the copied content.

  5. Save the changes.

⌨️ The same for all other files •>


Feel free to customize and modify the theme according to your preferences.

Happy coding! 🪄