
Clojure AWS Authentication Library

Primary LanguageClojure


NOTICE: This project is no longer active.

A Clojure library for Amazon's Auth API, based on the official AWS Java SDK. Easily create and retrieve AWSCredentials from a multitude of sources.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file:

[clj-aws-auth "0.1.0"]


(use 'aws.sdk.auth)
(def my-creds (get-credentials))

This will attempt to retrieve credentials using the default provider chain, which checks the following sources in order:

  • :environment - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY
  • :system-properties - aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
  • :instance-profile - via the Amazon EC2 metadata service

If your credentials are available through one of these sources then you're all set. Otherwise you'll get an com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException.

This is equivalent to (get-credentials :default-chain) and the same behavior can be achieved with:

(get-credentials :environment :system-properties :instance-profile)

Sources of Credentials

Credentials can be retrieved from a variety of sources and any of these sources can be used directly with get-credentials, credentials-provider, and credentials-provider-chain.

Provided by com.amazonaws.auth

Implementations of AWSCredentialsProvider or AWSCredentials from the com.amazonaws.auth are all valid sources of credentials and can be used directly or indirectly in keyword form for convenience. The example above uses keywords to indcate a chain of three credentials sources provided by the com.amazonaws.auth package. See credentials-provider for a list of supported keywords.

Clojure Maps and Fn's

Clojure maps and functions can also be used as credentials sources, opening up additional possibilities. Here's a simple example:

(use 'aws.sdk.auth)
(defn creds-fn [] (credentials {:access-key "foo" :secret-key "bar"}))
(get-credentials creds-fn)

Here's a more realistic example, which will read your credentials from a gpg encrypted file, assuming you already have gpg installed and setup.

(use 'clojure.java.shell)

(defn gpg-creds [file]
  (let [{:keys [out exit]} (sh "gpg" "--quiet" "--batch" "--decrypt" (str file))]
    (when (pos? exit) (credentials (read-string out)))))

(get-credentials (partial gpg-creds "aws-credentials.clj.gpg"))



Copyright © 2013 Kevin Neaton

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.