
Deploy project dependencies to a remote repo

Primary LanguageClojure


Deploy all of your project's dependencies to a remote repository with Leiningen.


Leiningen 2

Add [lein-deploy-deps "0.1.0"] to the :plugins vector of your :user profile, or your project.clj.

Leiningen 1

This has not been tested. If you use lein-deploy-deps with leiningen 1 please let me know how it goes.

$ lein plugin install lein-deploy-deps 0.1.0


$ lein deploy-deps


$ lein deploy-deps releases snapshots

Either command will deploy all of your projects dependencies to the releases and snapshots repositories set up in your project.clj which should look something like this:

{:deploy-repositories [["snapshots" {:url "https://your-repo.org/snapshots"}]
                       ["releases" {:url "https://your-repo.org/releases"}]]}


{:repositories [["snapshots" {:url "https://your-repo.org/snapshots"}]
                ["releases" {:url "https://your-repo.org/releases"}]]}

You can use any repository that you've set up in your project.clj. For repositories not named "snapshots" or "releases" you should make sure to set :snapshots appropriately.


This plugin was developed with the support of otherpeoplespixels.


Copyright © 2013 Kevin Neaton

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.