
Artifact evaluation of NeoBFT.

Primary LanguageRust

Developed with stable Rust 1.63.0, Tofino SDE 9.9.1, on Ubuntu 20.04.

## Run sanity check:

$ cargo test --lib

## Run benchmark:

Copy spec.example.toml to spec.toml, and modify `[[replica]]`, `[[client]]`` and
`[multicast]` sections according to the evaluation system, and modify `[task]` 
as the desired evaluation run.

$ cargo run --bin spec_sw
and transfer `src-sw` to switch.

On switch compile, install and run data plane program. Configure the program 
using the script with same name, through `$SDE/run_bfshell.sh -b <script>`.

Back to project directory:
$ cargo run --bin spec