
Concourse CI resource for sending notifications to Slack.

Primary LanguageShell

Slack notification sending resource

Sends messages to Slack.

Source Configuration

  • url: (Required) The webhook URL as provided by Slack. Usually in the form: https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXX


out: Sends message to Slack.

Send message to Slack, with the configured parameters.


The resource will accept all configuration described by the Slack Incoming Webhooks documentation including Message Attachments. The contents of the message can be formatted using the Slack Formatting system including multiple lines, emojis and links. At the time of publication, the following fields are available:

Name Description
attachments.author_icon The author icon for the message attachment
attachments.author_link The author link for the message attachment
attachments.author_name The author name for the message attachment
attachments.color The accent color for the message attachment
attachments.fallback The plain-text fallback for the message attachment
attachments.fields.short Whether the message attachment field is short
attachments.fields.title The title for the message attachment field
attachments.fields.value The value for the message attachment field
attachments.image_url The image url for the message attachment
attachments.pretext The pretext for the message attachment
attachments.text The text for the message attachment
attachments.thumb_url The thumbnail url for the message attachment
attachments.title_link The title link for the message attachment
attachments.title The title for the message attachment
channel The channel for of the message
icon_emoji The emoji icon of the message
icon_url The user icon of the message
text The text of the message
username The username of the message

In addition to the Slack configuration, there is some resource-specific configuration:

Name Description
always_notify Whether a notification should be sent, even if there is no configured message
debug Print out the Webhook URL and body instead of invoking the Slack webhook
text_file File that contains the message to send. This allows the message to be generated by a previous task step in the Concourse job.

One or more of always_notify, attachments, text, or text_file must be specified. If you omit the attachments and text parameters, the content of the file specified in text_file will be used verbatim. Alternatively, you can include a reference to the environment variable TEXT_FILE_CONTENT in any string to include the content of the file with other static text. See the Metadata section below for more details.

Under the philosophy that it's better to write something than fail silently, the following fallback values are used:

  • when text is omitted and
    • text_file omitted, or present but file missing:
      • (no notification given)
    • text_file specified and present but file empty:
      • (missing notification text)
  • when text is present, but evaluates to empty string after variable interpolation:
    • (missing notification text)
  • when text specified with $TEXT_FILE_CONTENT and more content and
    • text_file omitted, or present but file missing
      • $TEXT_FILE_CONTENT is replaced with (no notification given)
    • text_file specified and present but file empty:
      • $TEXT_FILE_CONTENT is replaced with (missing notification text)


The resource runs with all of the environment variables described by the Concourse metadata. At the time of publication, the following metadata is available:

Name Description
$ATC_EXTERNAL_URL The public URL for your ATC; useful for debugging
$BUILD_ID The internal identifier for the build. Right now this is numeric but it may become a guid in the future. Treat it as an absolute reference to the build.
$BUILD_JOB_NAME The name of the build's job
$BUILD_NAME The build number within the build's job
$BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME The pipeline that the build's job lives in

In addition to the Concourse metadata, there is some resource-specific metadata:

Name Description
$TEXT_FILE_CONTENT The contents of the file specified by the text_file parameter

The following pipeline config snippet demonstrates how to incorporate the metadata:

- name: some-job
  - put: slack-alert
      - color: good
        fallback: $BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME #$BUILD_NAME has been deployed: $ATC_EXTERNAL_URL/pipelines/$BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME/jobs/$BUILD_JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_NAME
        text: $BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME <$ATC_EXTERNAL_URL/pipelines/$BUILD_PIPELINE_NAME/jobs/$BUILD_JOB_NAME/builds/$BUILD_NAME|#$BUILD_NAME> has been deployed


If you're interested in the API of Concourse resources and/or contributing to this resource, you can play with the out script using examples. There are some available in the examples folder.

Note: they have a params.debug set so that it only prints out the data structures rather than attempting to invoke the Slack API. Remove it and set a real Slack API to test the script against Slack.

$: cat examples/combined_text_template_and_file_empty.out | ./out .
Webhook URL:  https://some.url
Webhook Body:
  "text": ":some_emoji:<https://my-ci.my-org.com//pipelines/cf-java-client/jobs/deploy/builds/305|Alert!>
_(no notification provided)_
  "username": "concourse"
$: cat examples/combined_text_template_and_file_missing.out | ./out .
Webhook URL:  https://some.url
Webhook Body:
  "text": ":some_emoji:<https://my-ci.my-org.com//pipelines/cf-java-client/jobs/deploy/builds/305|Alert!>
_(no notification provided)_
  "username": "concourse"
$: cat examples/combined_text_template_and_file.out | ./out .
Webhook URL:  https://some.url
Webhook Body:
  "text": ":some_emoji:<https://my-ci.my-org.com//pipelines/cf-java-client/jobs/deploy/builds/305|Alert!>
This text came from sample.txt. It could have been generated by a previous Concourse task.

Multiple lines are allowed.

  "username": "concourse"
$: cat examples/text_file_empty.out | ./out .
Webhook URL:  https://some.url
Webhook Body:
  "username": "concourse",
  "text": "_(no notification provided)_"
$: cat examples/text_file.out | ./out .
Webhook URL:  https://some.url
Webhook Body:
  "username": "concourse",
  "text": "This text came from sample.txt. It could have been generated by a previous Concourse task.

Multiple lines are allowed.
$: cat examples/text.out | ./out .
Webhook URL:  https://some.url
Webhook Body:
  "text": "Inline static text",
  "username": "concourse"