
Replace terms in defs to underscores

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a tryout, I don't know much

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Replace terms in defs to underscores

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Data arr example (click to show)
output : Day 15, 16, 22, 23.xlsx
    "name": "Day 15",
    "terms": [
    "korDefs": [
      "버리다, 포기하다",
      "결점, 탈당하다, 망명하다",
      "극복하다, 정복하다",
      "통근, 통근하다",
      "그럼에도 불구하고",
      "특성, 특징",
      "계약하다, 계약서, 수축하다",
      "확보하다, 분명히 하다",
      "소매, 소매하다",
      "겸손한, 알맞은",
      "편견, 선입관",
      "가상의, 사실상의",
      "등록, 등록하다, 기재하다",
      "양육, 교육, 양육하다, 교육하다",
      "반대의, 적합지 않은, 불리한, 정반대",
      "찢다, 쪼개다, 쪼개진, 분열",
      "고상한, 우아한",
      "감독하다, 관리하다, 통제하다",
      "거주하다, 살다",
      "부과하다, 강요하다",
      "연설하다, 연설, 인사말",
      "명장, 대작",
      "지진, 대변동",
      "거친, 가혹한",
      "입학하다, 등록하다",
      "도장, 봉인, 바다표범, 봉인하다",
      "발생하다, 생겨나다",
      "기준, 표준",
      "토론, 토론하다",
      "비상한, 비범한",
      "변형하다, 수정하다"
    "engDefs": [
      "A __________ is a piece of paper that you get from someone as proof that they have received money or goods from you. In British English a __________ is a piece of paper that you get in a shop when you buy something, but in American English the more usual term for this is sales slip.",
      "If you __________ a place, thing, or person, you leave the place, thing, or person permanently or for a long time, especially when you should not do so.",
      "A __________ is a fault or imperfection in a person or thing.",
      "If one country or group of people __________s another, they take complete control of their land.",
      "If you __________, you travel a long distance every day between your home and your place of work.",
      "You use __________ when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said.",
      "A __________ is a particular characteristic, quality, or tendency that someone or something has.",
      "A __________ is a legal agreement, usually between two companies or between an employer and employee, which involves doing work for a stated sum of money.",
      "To __________ something, or to __________ that something happens, means to make certain that it happens.",
      "__________ is the activity of selling goods direct to the public, usually in small quantities. Compare wholesale.",
      "A __________ house or other building is not large or expensive.",
      "__________ is an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things, or a preference for a one group of people or things over another.",
      "You can use __________ to indicate that something is so nearly true that for most purposes it can be regarded as true.",
      "A __________ is an official list or record of people or things.",
      "__________ is the process of taking food into the body and absorbing the nutrients in those foods.",
      "An __________ is a business which provides a service on behalf of other businesses.",
      "The __________ parts of something are the parts which are contained or are enclosed inside the other parts, and which are closest to the centre.",
      "If you __________ something such as a young child or a young plant, you care for it while it is growing and developing.",
      "Ideas, attitudes, or reactions that are __________ to each other are completely different from each other.",
      "A __________ is a member of the Christian clergy in the Catholic, Anglican, or Orthodox church.",
      "If something __________s or if you __________ it, it is divided into two or more parts.",
      "If you describe a person or thing as __________, you mean that they are pleasing and graceful in appearance or style.",
      "If you __________ an activity or a person, you make sure that the activity is done correctly or that the person is doing a task or behaving correctly.",
      "If you say that something __________s to be the way you describe it, you are reporting what you believe or what you have been told, though you cannot be sure it is true.",
      "If a place or region is __________ed by a group of people or a species of animal, those people or animals live there.",
      "If you __________ something on people, you use your authority to force them to accept it.",
      "Your __________ is the number of the house, flat, or apartment and the name of the street and the town where you live or work.",
      "A __________ is an extremely good painting, novel, film, or other work of art.",
      "An __________ is a shaking of the ground caused by movement of the earth's crust.",
      "__________ climates or conditions are very difficult for people, animals, and plants to live in.",
      "When something rolls or when you roll it, it moves along a surface, turning over many times.",
      "A __________ is a long period of time during which no rain falls.",
      "When you __________ an envelope, you close it by folding part of it over and sticking it down, so that it cannot be opened without being torn.",
      "If a situation or problem __________s, it begins to exist or people start to become aware of it.",
      "__________ is the desire to have more of something, such as food or money, than is necessary or fair.",
      "A criterion is a factor on which you judge or decide something.",
      "A __________ is a discussion about a subject on which people have different views.",
      "If you describe something or someone as __________, you mean that they have some extremely good or special quality.",
      "When you __________ things, you consider them and discover the differences or similarities between them.",
      "If you __________ something, you change it slightly, usually in order to improve it."
    "name": "Day 16",
    "terms": [
    "korDefs": [
      "흐릿한, 어두운, 흐려지다, 멍한",
      "묽은, 희석시키다",
      "일반적인, (육군, 공군, 해병대) 대장",
      "연관짓다, 교제하다, 동료",
      "절규, 절규하다, 비명, 비명 지르다, 소리치다",
      "수치, 계산, 형태, 계산하다",
      "엎지르다, 흘리다, 엎지름",
      "번쩍번쩍 빛나다, 번쩍임",
      "삼키다, 삼킴, 제비",
      "방해, 장애물",
      "보통의,  일상의, 통상의",
      "보행자, 보행자의",
      "일상적인 일, 일상저인, 일과",
      "흘긋 봄, 흘긋 보다",
      "제거하다, 삭제하다",
      "심부름, 잡일",
      "부인하다, 거절하다",
      "화나게 하다, 짜증나게 하다",
      "민감한, 신경 과민의",
      "비극의, 비참한, 비장한",
      "접다, (동물의) 우리, 양 떼",
      "의식하고 있는, 의식",
      "시도, 실험, 재판",
      "방해하다, 간섭하다",
      "부족, 종족",
      "일시적인, 임시의",
      "깊은, 심오한",
      "협회, 협의회",
      "전통, 관습",
      "청소년기의, 청소년",
      "진술, 성명서",
      "붙잡다, 포획하다, 포획",
      "우세하다, 보급되다, 유행하다"
    "engDefs": [
      "__________ light is not bright.",
      "If a liquid is __________d or __________s, it is added to or mixes with water or another liquid, and becomes weaker.",
      "A __________ is a high-ranking officer in the armed forces, usually in the army.",
      "If you __________ someone or something with another thing, the two are connected in your mind.",
      "When someone __________s, they make a very loud, high-pitched cry, for example because they are in pain or are very frightened.",
      "A __________ is a particular amount expressed as a number, especially a statistic.",
      "If a liquid __________s or if you __________ it, it accidentally flows over the edge of a container.",
      "A __________ is a large building where raw materials or manufactured goods are stored until they are exported to other countries or distributed to shops to be sold.",
      "If you __________ at someone, you look at them with an angry expression on your face.",
      "The __________ of a ship, an aircraft, or a spacecraft is the people who work on and operate it.",
      "If you __________ something, you cause it to go from your mouth down into your stomach.",
      "A __________ is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved.",
      "__________ is used to describe what happens or what is done most often in a particular situation.",
      "A __________ is a person who is walking, especially in a town or city, rather than travelling in a vehicle.",
      "A __________ is the usual series of things that you do at a particular time. A __________ is also the practice of regularly doing things in a fixed order.",
      "If you __________ at something or someone, you look at them very quickly and then look away again immediately.",
      "To __________ something, especially something you do not want or need, means to remove it completely.",
      "An __________ is a short trip that you make in order to do a job for someone, for example when you go to a shop to buy something for them.",
      "When you __________ something, you state that it is not true.",
      "If something __________s you, it keeps annoying you.",
      "If you are __________ to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them.",
      "The __________ of a person or group is their health, comfort, and happiness.",
      "A __________ event or situation is extremely sad, usually because it involves death or suffering.",
      "Someone who is __________ deliberately causes pain or distress to people or animals.",
      "If you __________ someone of something that they want or need, you take it away from them, or you prevent them from having it.",
      "If you __________ something such as a piece of paper or cloth, you bend it so that one part covers another part, often pressing the edge so that it stays in place.",
      "If you are __________ of something, you notice it or realize that it is happening.",
      "A __________ is a formal meeting in a law court, at which a judge and jury listen to evidence and decide whether a person is guilty of a crime.",
      "If you say that someone __________s in a situation, you mean they get involved in it although it does not concern them and their involvement is not wanted.",
      "__________ is sometimes used to refer to a group of people of the same race, language, and customs, especially in a developing country. Some people disapprove of this use.",
      "Something that is __________ lasts for only a limited time.",
      "You use __________ to emphasize that something is very great or intense.",
      "A __________ is a group of people who are elected to govern a local area such as a city or, in Britain, a county.",
      "A __________ is a custom or belief that has existed for a long time.",
      "__________ is used to describe young people who are no longer children but who have not yet become adults. It also refers to their behaviour.",
      "If you can __________ one thing from another or __________ between two things, you can see or understand how they are different.",
      "The __________ is the area of the world around the North Pole. It is extremely cold and there is very little light in winter and very little darkness in summer.",
      "A __________ is something that you say or write which gives information in a formal or definite way.",
      "If you __________ someone or something, you catch them, especially in a war.",
      "If a proposal, principle, or opinion __________s, it gains influence or is accepted, often after a struggle or argument."
    "name": "Day 22",
    "terms": [
    "korDefs": [
      "경험, 체험, 경험하다",
      "(주의를) 끌다",
      "그러므로, 지금부터",
      "건축, 건축물",
      "영토, 영역",
      "황무지, 황야",
      "장례식, 장례의",
      "창피함, 굴욕",
      "금지하다, 금지",
      "붉어지다, 물이 쏟아져 나오다",
      "생각하다, 빼다",
      "절망, 절망하다",
      "기민한, 경계하는",
      "소형의, 조밀한",
      "마찬가지로, 게다가",
      "놀라게 하다",
      "갑작스런 공포, 공황, 공황적인",
      "낙관적인, 낙천적인",
      "살인, 살인하다",
      "근본적인, 기본적인, 근본",
      "충성스러운, 성실한",
      "습기 있는, 눅눅한",
      "~인 척하다, 주장하다",
      "졸업하다, 졸업생, 대학원 학생",
      "부풀리다, 과장하다",
      "의사, 내과의사",
      "공동의, 연합의, 이음매, 관절",
      "~을 거쳐서, ~에 의하여",
      "통로, 통과, 한 절",
      "용기, 배, 선박, 혈관",
      "회복하다, 복구하다, 돌려주다",
      "수동적인, 수동형의",
      "대리석, 구슬, 대리석의",
    "engDefs": [
      "__________ is used to refer to the past events, knowledge, and feelings that make up someone's life or character.",
      "A __________ is a general plan or set of plans intended to achieve something, especially over a long period.",
      "If something __________s people or animals, it has features that cause them to come to it.",
      "You use __________ to indicate that the statement you are about to make is a consequence of what you have just said.",
      "__________ is the art of planning, designing, and constructing buildings.",
      "__________ is land which is controlled by a particular country or ruler.",
      "A __________ is a desert or other area of natural land which is not used by people.",
      "If people or things are divided into categories, they are divided into groups in such a way that the members of each group are similar to each other in some way.",
      "A __________ is the ceremony that is held when the body of someone who has died is buried or cremated.",
      "If you __________ someone or something, you like that person or thing better than another, and so you are more likely to choose them if there is a choice.",
      "The __________ of an activity, process, or situation is the situation that exists at the end of it.",
      "__________ is the embarrassment and shame you feel when someone makes you appear stupid, or when you make a mistake in public.",
      "To __________ something means to state officially that it must not be done, shown, or used.",
      "If you __________, your face goes red because you are hot or ill, or because you are feeling a strong emotion such as embarrassment or anger.",
      "If you __________ something, you do not include it in an activity or piece of work, deliberately or accidentally.",
      "__________ is the feeling that everything is wrong and that nothing will improve.",
      "If you are __________, you are paying full attention to things around you and are able to deal with anything that might happen.",
      "__________ things are small or take up very little space. You use this word when you think this is a good quality.",
      "You use __________ when you are comparing two methods, states, or situations and saying that they are similar.",
      "If something or someone __________es you, they surprise you very much.",
      "__________ is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear, which makes you act without thinking carefully.",
      "Someone who is __________ is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.",
      "__________ is the deliberate and illegal killing of a person.",
      "You use __________ to describe something which exists at a deep and basic level, and is therefore likely to continue.",
      "Someone who is __________ remains firm in their friendship or support for a person or thing.",
      "You use __________ to describe an atmosphere or climate that is very damp, and usually very hot.",
      "If children or adults __________ that they are doing something, they imagine that they are doing it, for example as part of a game.",
      "In the United States, a __________ is a student who has successfully completed a course at a high school, college, or university.",
      "Something that is __________ is small and beautifully shaped.",
      "If you __________ something such as a balloon or tyre, or if it __________s, it becomes bigger as it is filled with air or a gas.",
      "If something is __________, there is enough of it or it is good enough to be used or accepted.",
      "In formal American English or old-fashioned British English, a __________ is a doctor.",
      "__________ means shared by or belonging to two or more people.",
      "If you go somewhere __________ a particular place, you go through that place on the way to your destination.",
      "A __________ is a long narrow space with walls or fences on both sides, which connects one place or room with another.",
      "A __________ is a ship or large boat.",
      "To __________ a situation or practice means to cause it to exist again.",
      "If you describe someone as __________, you mean that they do not take action but instead let things happen to them.",
      "__________s are sculptures made of __________.",
      "To __________ things means to divide them into groups or types so that things with similar characteristics are in the same group."
    "name": "Day 23",
    "terms": [
    "korDefs": [
      "거래, 처리",
      "관련되다, 걱정, 관심사",
      "주요한, 장",
      "걱정, 불안",
      "먹을 수 있는, 식용의",
      "연방의, 연합의",
      "고통 받다",
      "정제, 알약",
      "교환하다, 무역",
      "액체, 액체의",
      "싸우다, 주장하다, 경쟁하다",
      "예상하다, 기대하다",
      "전망, 조망",
      "사막, 사막의, 버리다",
      "배회하다, 돌아다니다",
      "제대로 된, 품위 있는",
      "이익, 자기편",
      "왜곡, 찌그러뜨림",
      "싹, 싹트다",
      "지방의, 시의",
      "현상, 사건",
      "(노력, 시간 등을) 바치다",
      "농민, 소작농",
      "배제하다, 제외하다",
      "융통성 있는",
      "세입자, 주민",
      "~할 가치가 있는",
      "보도, 포장도로",
      "지명하다, 임명하다",
      "신성한, 성스러운"
    "engDefs": [
      "If you __________ something, you make it ready for something that is going to happen.",
      "A __________ is a piece of business, for example an act of buying or selling something.",
      "If something is __________ for a particular purpose, there is enough of it for the purpose.",
      "If something is __________, it is not likely to change or come to an end suddenly.",
      "__________ is worry about a situation.",
      "If you have __________ for someone who is in a bad situation, you are sorry for them, and show this in the way you behave towards them.",
      "__________ means first in order of importance.",
      "A __________ is something which is produced during the manufacture or processing of another product.",
      "__________ is a feeling of nervousness or worry.",
      "If something is __________, it is safe to eat and not poisonous.",
      "A __________ country or system of government is one in which the different states or provinces of the country have important powers to make their own laws and decisions.",
      "If you __________ pain, you feel it in your body or in your mind.",
      "If you describe something as __________, you think that it is unimportant and not serious.",
      "A __________ is a small solid round mass of medicine which you swallow.",
      "__________ is the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services between people, firms, or countries.",
      "A __________ is a substance which is not solid but which flows and can be poured, for example water.",
      "If you have to __________ with a problem or difficulty, you have to deal with it or overcome it.",
      "If you __________ an event, you realize in advance that it may happen and you are prepared for it.",
      "Your __________ is your general attitude towards life.",
      "A __________ is a large area of land, usually in a hot region, where there is almost no water, rain, trees, or plants.",
      "If you describe something as __________, you are emphasizing that it is extremely great in amount or degree.",
      "If you __________ an area or __________ around it, you wander or travel around it without having a particular purpose.",
      "__________ is used to describe something which is considered to be of an acceptable standard or quality.",
      "If you do something on someone's __________, you do it for that person as their representative.",
      "__________ is the changing of something into something that is not true or not acceptable.",
      "A __________ is a small pointed lump that appears on a tree or plant and develops into a leaf or flower.",
      "If you describe an event, action, or procedure as __________, you mean that it represents an important change, although it has little practical effect.",
      "__________ means associated with or belonging to a city or town that has its own local government.",
      "A __________ is something that is observed to happen or exist.",
      "If you __________ yourself, your time, or your energy to something, you spend all or most of your time or energy on it.",
      "A __________ is a poor person of low social status who works on the land, used of people who live in countries where farming is still a common way of life.",
      "When something __________es, or when something __________es it, it becomes reduced in size, importance, or intensity.",
      "If someone is __________, they feel angry or bitter because they think that another person is trying to take a lover or friend, or a possession, away from them.",
      "If you __________ someone from a place or activity, you prevent them from entering it or taking part in it.",
      "A __________ object or material can be bent easily without breaking.",
      "A __________ is someone who pays rent for the place they live in, or for land or buildings that they use.",
      "If something is __________, it is enjoyable or useful, and worth the time, money, or effort that is spent on it.",
      "A __________ is a path with a hard surface, usually by the side of a road.",
      "If someone is __________d for a job or position, their name is formally suggested as a candidate for it.",
      "Something that is __________ is believed to be holy and to have a special connection with God."


  • Add xlsx styling
  • Need to improve method of finding the first cell position of terms
  • Add this maybe: Search for term in def where word matches to nth character of word


Created terms-in-def plunger

  • Replaces terms in defs to underscores
  • File edit-download happens immediately-like after upload(s)
  • 뚫어뻥

Added functionality: create a single, joined xlsx file

  • Fixed issues on receiving non-sheets as first/last files
  • Cause of non-sheets unexpected behavior: Inner onload event takes execution after a slight delay

Added support on new xlsx format [still no-style]

  • Which terms are stored on column C than A
  • Although, output file still lacks style

Added auto nbsp replacement

  • Replaces every occuring non-breaking line space to a normal space
proper propriety proprietarietà
  • JS passes refs as refs, ref.properties as orig.properties
let str   = 'string';
const arr = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
const obj = { a: 10, b: 20, c: 30 };

let changeStr = str => str = 'edited-string';   // pass & access ref of variable
let changeArr = arr => arr[0] = 1000;           // pass ref of var, access property of ref
let changeObj = obj => obj.a = 0.001;           // pass ref of var, access property of ref


console.log('str:', str);   // output: str: string                      ref
console.log('arr:', arr);   // output: arr: [ 1000, 2, 3 ]              orig
console.log('obj:', obj);   // output: obj: { a: 0.001, b: 20, c: 30 }  orig
logging the buggers
  • Restored issue-env files: branch not working

  • ❌ Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined ..

    Process is never defined

  • Deployment:

      # Not working
    - name: Deploy
      uses: JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action@releases/v3  
      # Working
    - name: Deploy
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    ...but whatever, le just a smol thing