
Remote solar powered research tools for rural India

Primary LanguageScheme


This is a data syncing application using a single raspberry pi for syncronisation between many android tablets. Designed for recording behavioural observations in field sites in remote locations.

Designed to work off grid and off line, for example working from solar powered devices and using an ad hoc wifi connection.

Development notes

Data model

The sqlite database is using an entity-attribute-value system so data types can be added dynamically, with only an android application update required.

Each item in the database is an entity, which contains a version number, a local id (the primary key) which is defined on the local database only and a unique-id which is common to all databases across the network. Entities are split into different types, and are associated with attributes which make up their contents. The attributes of the entity are stored in key-type-value attributes (ktv). Entities are comprised of multiple ktv attributes.

When an entity is edited, it's flagged as dirty - along with the individual attributes which are changed.

The entity dirty flag is used to determine which entities need to be sent to the server when syncing, and the attribute's dirty flags indicate which individual items need sending.

The server increments the entity version number on reciept of a changed values, which is used to determine which entities are needed updating on other clients.

In this way, data changes are merged and propagated through the system.

Files can be associated with attributes, and are synced (e.g. images)

Syncing algorithm

Sending data from client to server is all about dirty flags:

Android (client) Raspberry Pi (server)
Data edited or created - cause entities and attributes to be flagged as 'dirty'
For each dirty entity, send all dirty attributes Return message to confirm reciept
Clean dirty flags on returned message
Overwrite all dirty attributes, increment version number

Receiving changes from the server to the client is all about version numbers:

Android (client) Raspberry Pi (server)
Request all entity version numbers Send versions...
Check each local entity, request updates Send complete entity, with all attributes
Overwrite/add new entities

Code dependancies

Common code is stored in /eavdb and is platform independant, running on android (tinyscheme) and raspberry pi (racket).

     ktv ---> ktv-list      sql/racket-fix
      \         |              /
       \        V             /
        --> entity-values  <--
             |        |
             V        V
    entity-insert    entity-get
             |        |
             V        V
             |   |    |
             V   |    V
    entity-sync  |   entity-filter
             |   |    |
             V   V    V