

access_token must be in each request (except register & login)

Each answer (except getAvatar) contains ok parameter (True / False)

If not ok, error_code and error_desc (error_description) are returned

If ok, look at the table below to see what is returned

Methods list

Method Params Response
register nickname, password user_id, access_token
login nickname, password user_id, access_token
getProfile user_id am_i_subscribed, subscribers_count(Count of subscribers on this page) info(user_id, nickname), posts by user[post_id]
setMyInfo nickname --
getPost post_id post_id, votes_count, timestamp, topic(topic_id, title), author(user_id, nickname), text(content)
allInstruments -- instruments[instrument_id, name(short title), details(description)]
addTopic instrument_id, title --
topicsByInstrument instrument_id topics[topic_id, title]
postsByTopic topic_id posts[votes_count, post_id, timestamp, author(user_id, nickname), topic(topic_id, title), text]
addPost topic_id, text(контент) --
addComment post_id, text --
commentsByPost post_id comments[comment_id, timestamp, commenter (user_id, nickname), text]
subscribe user_id --
unsubscribe user_id --
mySubscriptionsPosts -- posts[votes_count, post_id, timestamp, author(user_id, nickname), topic(topic_id, title), text]
subscribersCount user_id subs_count(subscribers count)
uploadAvatar file(bitmap image - JPG or PNG) --
getAvatar user_id avatar (the only result, without "ok" field!)